Tag: meetings

  • HCRA Ham Radio Film Festival???

    I would like to throw out an idea for a possible meeting topic next year and would like to hear other members’ opinions on it. The meeting would be a ham radio film festival and we would screen ham radio related film shorts produced by our members as well as a few from other sources.  …

  • 2014 Election draws near, nominations entertained.

    Hi folks, The 2014 Election will be held at our June 7th meeting. As in years past many board members have once again raised their hands to help guide HCRA through another year of fun and excitement. For many of them this will be another year of many serving HCRA. Wouldn’t it be great if…

  • WRTC is coming in 2014 – are you ready to pitch in?

    WRTC is just around the corner. We’re looking to field (literally) a second station this year. Who’s game to give it a go? So what exactly is WRTC and more importantly WRTC-2014? Read on. In short you could consider it the ‘Olympics of Amateur Radio’.  Read all about the competition and its history here. The…

  • 2013 Annual HCRA Show & Tell Meeting a Success

    Last Friday’s Show & Tell meeting was a great success.  We had 9 members bring projects that were either completed or close to completion. All of the presenters did a great job explaining their projects in detail to the club and the audience had good questions for the presenters.  Congratulations to Juergen – AB1SU (DK1TM)…

  • Shhhhh! – Something exciting is returning to the January meeting!

    Stay tuned for more information. Merry Christmas everyone! Jim/KK1W

  • More links from the November 2nd meeting

    Here are the sources for antenna supports I use for portable operation. Usable height is usually less than claimed height. We have found that anything over 20 feet or so works well on a summit activation. 28′ carbon fiber pole, about $100 including shipping, strong and light and compact:  http://www.allfishingbuy.com/Fishing-Pole/Pole-A1-65-2-8615.htm 31′ Jackite fiberglass pole, $68.95…

  • Help Wanted

    Our club is looking for a few volunteers for the upcoming 2012/2013 season. Here’s a chance for you to give something back to your fellow club members. The pay is little (well actually none!) but the rewards are great. KX3 Raffle Coordinator As coordinator you would actively promote the raffle at HCRA meetings, local hamfests…

  • Preview our new meeting location!

    Preview our new meeting location!

    Here’s some photographs that should get you ready for our first meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. The auditorium is newly renovated, features seating for 100 guests, offers free wi-fi, podium with sound system, LCD projector, screen and sound system if needed, The site is fully accessible, rest room, drinking fountain and soda/juice vending machine…