See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

Latest Blog Posts
Board Meeting Minutes Aug 12, 2014
HCRA Board of Directors Minutes Aug 15, 2014 7:15 PM at W1AST QTH OFFICER REPORTS Vice President – W1MOR Report Projects: New tower at W1MOR QTH FD with royal rangers set up station in Gardner, MA with multiple antennae Turned a number of youth into amateur radio Treasurer – AA1YW Not Present (Items) Ed still…
Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 Year
OK, here we go. It the first meeting of the year tomorrow night at the Holyoke Medical Center at 7:30. There will be the usual camaraderie, 3 that’s right 3 guest speakers. KK1W, W1MSW, and W1MOR. All have short presentations on these summers’ activities that the club participated in in one way or another, They…
Down with the old & up with the new @ W1MOR QTH
Old tower with vertical down successfully. Custom made tilt over base for Rohn 25g tower securely lagged into concrete. 9 inch X 1/2 inch concrete fasteners were used. Base with section of Rohn 25G installed for mock up. Rohn house bracket installed. Secured by 3/8 X 8″ galvanized lag bolts. Pilot holes were drilled.…
Some Of HCRA’s received QSL cards – Part 1
Here is just a fraction of QSL cards that we get from people around the world. Most of these cards are in result of our club calls (W1NY & WB1Z) being used in such events such as Field Day, New England QSO Party (NEQP), ARRL 10M Contest, WRTC (IARU) and other events throughout the year.…
Board Meeting Minutes – June 12th, 2014
HCRA Board of Directors Meeting June 12, 2014 Officers in Attendance, KB1NWH –ED W1MOR – Eric AA1YW – Dave WM1B – Dave F W1AST – Larry NT1K – Jeff WA1MOW – Gary N1KXR – Rich Meeting opened at 7:30 PM at the Hampden Bank, West Springfield Officers Reports VP Report – W1MOR: Projects include tower…
Board Meeting Minutes – May 6th 2014
HCRA Board of Directors Meeting May 6, 2014 Officers Reports President – KK1W Jim submitted a plan for the transfer of officers responsibilities to the new incoming officers. Retiring officers were asked to mentor the new officers for a couple of months to be sure that the new officers were up and running in their…
Field Day Aerial Video
I’ve published a short video clip of our towers and antennas as seen from above. Nothing fancy but fun to look at, whether or not your were at Field Day. Field Day Aerial Video Enjoy, see you next year at FD 2015! Jim
WRTC 2014 Results and HCRA/WRTC Trivia
The scores are out! They can be found on the WRTC2104 web page. But here’s the really cool stuff. We hosted four teams at Medfield State Hospital. Medfield was site 8 and the stations were 8A through 8D. Here’s the results from ‘our’ teams: 8A: K1M – IK1JHS & I4UFH – Won the SSB mode,…
Win an Elecraft KX3! – HCRA Raffle
HCRA’s raffle this year is going to be for a Elecraft KX3! (Raffle for radio only! Antenna, angle adapter, microphone and keyer not included) For a mere $10 donation to the HCRA, you get a chance to win an assembled KX3 by Elecraft valued at around $1000. This is an very popular and excellent HF…
Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW Named as ARRL Contest Manager.
HCRA’s own Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW will be the Contest Manager for the ARRL starting on July 3rd. Good luck to you Matt and hopefully all goes well From the ARRL: http://www.arrl.org/news/matt-wilhelm-w1msw-named-as-arrl-contest-branch-manager Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW, of Williamsburg, Massachusetts, will be the new ARRL Contest Branch Manager. He will start work at ARRL Headquarters on July 3.…