Category: Board Meeting Minutes

  • HCRA BOD Meeting Minutes for 05-Jan-2017

    HCRA Board of Directors meeting 05-Jan-2017 Attendees: President – NT1K (Jeff) Vice President – WM1B (Dave) Secretary – N1FTP (Harold) Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen) Program Dir. – W1AST (Larry) At Large – KB1RXO (Karl) Membership – K1VOI (John) Absent: Tech. Dir – K1YO (Bob) Zero Beat Ed. – WA1MOW (Gary) ——————————— Meeting Open at 7:11pm…

  • HCRA BOD meeting notes for 29 Aug 2016

    HCRA Board of Directors meeting 29-Aug-2016 Attendees: President – NT1K Vice President – WM1B Secretary – N1FTP Treasurer – NV1Q Program Dir. – W1AST At Large – KB1RXO Membership – K1VOI   Absent: Tech. Dir – K1YO Zero Beat Ed. – WA1MOW   ——————————— Meeting Open at 7:09pm ——————— President Report: Jeff will be delegating…

  • HCRA BOD meeting notes for January 20th, 2016

    HCRA BOD meeting notes for 20-Jan-2016 Attendees: President: NT1K Vice President: N1FTP Treasurer: NV1Q Membership: K1VOI Program Dir: W1AST ZB Editor: WA1MOW Tech Dir: K1YO Absent: At-Large: W1MOR Secretary: WM1B President Report: – Jim Mullen has volunteered to help out with updating our Website. – A Web Forum has been created at “members.hcra.org”. The site…

  • HCRA Meeting, January 8th 2016. Guest Speaker will be Jeff Jolie (NM1Y)

    Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Jeff (NM1Y) will not be able to make it to the meeting to give his presentation. However Jeff will be providing us with a DVD about the DXpedtion and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC) will still be there to hold an area meeting.  Happy new year! HCRA is starting…

  • September 10, 2015

    HCRA Board Meeting September 10, 2015 Attendance: Harold (N1FTP) Gary (WA1MOW) Jeff (NT1K) Bob (K1Y0) John (K1VOI) Juergen (NV1Q) Dave (WM1B) Larry (W1AST) President summarized the activities. Still looking for a Web Master Vice President Harold Woering was introduced and had no additional comments Treasurer indicated he had the bank account and the electronic banking…

  • June 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

    HCRA BOD Meeting Minutes June 11th, 2015 Location: IHOP West Springfield MA Meeting called to order by President Jeff NT1k Attending: Daye AA1Y Larry W1AST Juergen NV1Q John K1VOI Bob K1YO Gary WA1MOW Jeff NT1K Ed KB1NWH Dave WM1B Officer Reports Past President: Great Year A lot of Fun. Transfer PO Box to Gary WA1MOW.…

  • May 7, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

    BOD MINUTES May 7th 2015, IHOP Meeting called to order at 7:10 by President Ed KB1NWH, In attendance: Larry W1AST, Gary WA1MOW, Rick N1KXR, Bob K1YO, Jeff NT1K, Dave WM1B, Guests, Faye Krainson, VP W1MOR Report : Absent No Report TREASURER AA1YW Report: Absent No Report SECRETARY WM1B Any Business: Discussion of Ham Club testing…

  • Mar 12th Board Meeting Minutes

    Meeting Started 7:15 VP W1MOR Report.  Nothing to report TREASURER AA1YW Report.  Balance $9095.  KX3 profit $781.22.  Christmas party cost $931, Used 40 meter beam cost $200, Donation HMC $250, Donation Agawam Park and Rec $250 SECRETARY – WM1B : Any Business.  Paper work up to date MEMBERSHIP N1KXR Head count 102 members TECHNICAL K1YO…

  • Jan 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

    HCRA. BOD Meeting Minutes for Jan 9, 2015 Location: Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield Called to Order @ 18:30 BOD Members in attendance Rich  N1XR                   via conference call Jeff   NT1K                   in person Bob      K1YO               in person Gary     W1MOW                      in person Eric      W1MOR                       in person Ed        KB1NWH         in person VP W1MOR-Holiday…

  • Board Meeting Minutes – May 6th 2014

    HCRA Board of Directors Meeting May 6, 2014 Officers Reports President – KK1W Jim submitted a plan for the transfer of officers responsibilities to the new incoming officers. Retiring officers were asked to mentor the new officers for a couple of months to be sure that the new officers were up and running in their…