See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

Latest Blog Posts
Next meeting is this Friday, April 5th!
Only two days until the April HCRA meeting. It’s no April fool either. Our special guest speaker is Doug/K1DG. Doug is traveling all the way from NH to chat with us about the World Radiosport Team Championship coming to New England in 2014. There are a lot of moving parts to hosting an international competition…
April 2013 Zero Beat now available
Here is the link to the April issue of Zero Beat. Lots of good stuff this month, enjoy it and see you at the meeting Friday night! Zero Beat Apr 2013
I need articles and photos for Zero Beat!
Anyone for dropping me an email with photos or articles of interest to HCRA members? If you are tired of seeing SOTA articles you should submit something to me for upcoming issues of Zero Beat — I would like material by early next week. (Sorry, that doesn’t mean there won’t be any more SOTA items!)…
2014 Election draws near, nominations entertained.
Hi folks, The 2014 Election will be held at our June 7th meeting. As in years past many board members have once again raised their hands to help guide HCRA through another year of fun and excitement. For many of them this will be another year of many serving HCRA. Wouldn’t it be great if…
WRTC is coming in 2014 – are you ready to pitch in?
WRTC is just around the corner. We’re looking to field (literally) a second station this year. Who’s game to give it a go? So what exactly is WRTC and more importantly WRTC-2014? Read on. In short you could consider it the ‘Olympics of Amateur Radio’. Read all about the competition and its history here. The…
March Board Meeting Minutes
HCRA Board meeting 3/5/2013 Official minutes 7:20pm Vice President report -KB1NWH KX3 Raffle won by K1MA 234 tickets sold $1300 net profit 7:30pm Treasurer Report – AA1YW Income silent auction – $40.00 KX3 raffle – $1630.00 membership – $105.00 party – $731.67 50/50 raffle – $34.50 Expenses p.o. box -$86.00 FD deposit -$50.00 Total income…
Are you Getting Zero Beat
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT. Or maybe you or some one you know has not been. If you or someone you know has E-mail and are not receiving and would like to receive the HCRA Zero Beat Via E-mail please contact me. KB1NWH Ed KB1NWH@arrl.net
2013 Annual HCRA Show & Tell Meeting a Success
Last Friday’s Show & Tell meeting was a great success. We had 9 members bring projects that were either completed or close to completion. All of the presenters did a great job explaining their projects in detail to the club and the audience had good questions for the presenters. Congratulations to Juergen – AB1SU (DK1TM)…
And the winner is… ???
It brings us great pleasure to announce the winner of the KX3 raffle today. The drawing was held a little after noon at the close of the MTARA Hamfest. Our winner is: Chris Snyder/KB1RMA Unfortunately Chris was not present to collect his prize. We will be shipping it out to him the first part of…
HCRA Meeting Streaming Live
Were trying out a new thing. We’re trying to broadcast out meetings live. Give it a shot, We should be live right now (3/1/2013 @ 7:00pm) Video streaming by Ustream Thanks!