See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

Latest Blog Posts
Election Slate for 2014/2015 Announced!
All HCRA board members would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone that turned out for last night’s meeting and volunteered your skills and time to keep HCRA rolling along both now and in the future. It was refreshing to see long time and new members willing to add their skills to the…
HCRA Inventory Reduction Sale!
It’s spring cleaning time in the HCRA Field Day trailer. We need to make room for the new equipment coming our way from the WRTC stations later this year. So….. Offered to HCRA members only at an unbelievable price are two (yes two!) 15 meter mono-band HF Yagi antennas. Both antennas are used but in…
Treasurer’s Report – March 11, 2014
Income: WRTC: $290.25 Dues: $45.00 FT857 Raffle: $860.00 Hamfest Sales: $61.21 Total Income: $1256.46 Expenses None: $00.00 Total Expenses: $00.00 Starting Balance: $8410.49 Ending Balance: $9666.49 Net Income from FT857 Raffle: $910.00 Note: WRTC has a payable of $4000 by June 1st (balance on WRTC station purchases)
Board Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2014
HCRA Board of Directors Meeting March 11th, 2014 Location: West Springfield, MA. The meeting was called to order at 7:13PM Present: KK1W, KB1NWH, AA1YW, N1FJ, N1KXR, W1MSW OFFICER REPORTS Vice President – KB1NWH More antenna installation with Eric/W1MOR Treasurer – AA1YW Current financial report: $9666.49 Status of WRTC Sales: $5713.00 sold to date Status of…
Ham radio ops / Volunteers needed for Simulated Emergency.
From Bruce Fuller (KB1TLX): (As mentioned at HCRA’s past meeting (3/7/14)) The simulated emergency is based on the aftermath of a “tornado”. They are looking for patients/victims and well as radio operators. For anyone interested, the volunteers can operate on the “Tag Team” basis, meaning they can volunteer for what ever time they feel comfortable…
Thanks to everyone that stopped by our table at the MTARA hamfest today!
A fun day at the hamfest. Thanks to everyone that stopped by to say hello, purchase some raffle tickets, join the club, pick up a few bargains and more. It was nice seeing many faces we had not seen since last year too! Congratulations to Frandy/N1FJ – winner of the Yeasu FT-857. I checked, it…
Donations wanted for the HCRA table at the MTARA Hamfest!
HCRA will have a club table at this Saturday’s MTARA Hamfest in Chicopee, MA If you have an item or two you would like to donate please contact Jim/KK1W to make arrangements. Just like our old auction there are a few simple rules. 1. These are ‘donations’ – if you want to sell stuff you…
Still looking for help at the MTARA hamfest this Saturday, March 1st
This request went out in the February issue of Zero Beat. To date I’ve only had one person ask, and he hasn’t been able to confirm his schedule. Time is getting short and the offer still holds. First person to commit to helping out this coming Saturday gets in free. It would really be nice…
Show and Tell Meeting March 7th, 2014
HCRA’s Show & Tell Meeting is less than TWO weeks away! What are you bringing to Show and Tell? At HCRA’s annual show and tell meeting, members bring in projects they have either completed or have made progress on over the last year and give a short presentation to the membership. This is a great…
Zero Beat Deadline
Deadline for Zero Beat’s March 2014 edition coming up! Please get articles, pictures to me by Wednesday, Feb. 26th or so! Thanks Frandy n1fj@arrl.net