
See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

ARRL Special Service Club Logo.
ARRL Affiliated Club Logo

Latest Blog Posts

  • Links From Last Nights Meeting

    These are the links from last nights meeting about RTTY and RTTY Contesting By: Tom Homewood, W1TO www.rttycontesting.com www.aa5au.com/rtty.html www.n1mm.com http://hamsoft.ca www.yccc.org

  • October Silent Auction Items

    As promised, the Silent Auction is returning and will be at the October 5th meeting. We’ve got a few items all set to go and a few ‘possibles’ in the wings. Here’s what we have for sure: 1. Bencher BY-2 Chrome Iambic Paddles – like new condition – starting bid = $20.00 2. Box of…

  • Next HCRA Meeting Friday, October 5, 2012

    Tom Homewood, W1TO, will be the featured speaker at Hampden County Radio Association’s monthly meeting this Friday, October 5, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Learn about RTTY station setup and contesting and have your questions ready!  This will be a joint meeting of the Western Massachusetts Area of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club and HCRA where new members will be eligible to…

  • October Zero Beat is live, on the web and in your email box

    This Friday, October 5th! Club meeting featuring Tom Homewood/W1TO, silent auction, KX3 raffle and more. Read all about the meeting, upcoming raffles and more in the October issue of Zero Beat. Once again Frandy has put together an interesting issue of HCRA and local interest. Enjoy!

  • From the Shack – October 2012

    What’s that ‘funny noise’ on 14.085 MHz? If you’re tuning around the bands and come across some signals that sound like “beedley, beedley, beedley” you may have stumbled across a radio teletype transmission. Not exactly sure what that “beedley” sound is? Here’s what it sounds like – rtty (hint, click rtty) Usually abbreviated RTTY, it…

  • Tablets and Amateur Radio

    This is my first article covering tablet computers and the apps they provide for amateur radio. In this first article I will look at the two main platforms, Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android. Apple’s OS revolves mainly around two devices, the Iphone and Ipad. Both will utilize the same applications. But Apple has many more…

  • Re-Up, Re-Up, Wherever You Are.

    Our 2012/2013 season started on September 1st and thanks go out to all of you who renewed your membership for another year. However some of you have yet to take that quick moment to get your own renewals taken care of. It’s fast, it’s easy, and can be done by mail or in person at…

  • SOTA jerks are on the road again

    (In a deep loud voice) SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY September 30th 2012 the jerks are heading out to a place unactivated.  That’s right,  We are heading to Burley Hill W1/MR-002.  Showtime will be 1600Z.  Modes CW, FM, SSB, and new to this activation PSK31.  Frequencies 7.034, 14.061 CW 7.190, 21.333, 14.3425 SSB depending on propagation, look…

  • Privileges Has Its Membership

    I’m sure you’re all familiar with the American Express Company’s saying “Membership has its privileges”, and while this is true, its chiasmus “Privileges has its membership” is equally true. As a new Technician Class license holder, you’ve worked hard earning your Amateur Radio Operating privileges to work these bands: 33 Centimeters, 70 Centimeters, 1.25 Meters,…

  • Board Meeting Minutes 9/18/2012

    Hampden County Radio Association Board of Directors Meeting 9/18/2012, Holyoke Hospital Boardroom Officer Reports Vice President – 35 Raffle Tickets Sold for KX3 Raffle Treasurer’s Report – AA1YW Current Financial report – Income From Meeting KX3 Raffle – $310.00 Membership – $615.00 Donation – $110.00 Income Total – $1035.00 Expenses – $120.00 (Welcome Back Refreshments)…