Author: Webmaster

  • Thanks to all who helped make Field Day possible

    Hello Everyone ! I just wanted to take this opportunity to send a sincere THANK YOU! To all of you who participated in the HCRA Field Day 2018 exercise a short time ago … whether operating or helping with setup and/or any of the other dozens of tasks required to make it happen. While we…

  • HCRA Clublog Challenge 2017 – Results

    HCRA encourages its members to get on the air. Every year we host a “Clublog challenge” where members can compete with each other to see who can make the most contacts throughout the year. HCRA and its members use the service as a way to keep track of contacts. Members just upload their logs…

  • HCRA/MTARA Joint Holiday Party – Get your tickets!

    HCRA Members and their guest are welcome to attend When: Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 Where: Castle of Knights 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee MA Time: Starts at 1:00pm Tickets just $20 ea for HCRA members  

  • Election Results

    At HCRA’s June 2017 meeting, the members in attendance has voted in the 2017-2018 board of directors. Your directors are as follows [table] Position,Photo,Name,Callsign President,,David Fant,WM1B Vice-President,OPEN,OPEN, Treasurer,,Juergen Malner,NV1Q Secretary,,Harold Woering,W1FTP Newsletter, ,Gary Fields,W1MOW At Large, ,Karl Krassler,KB1RXO Membership,,John  Plaster,K1VOI Program,,Larry Krainson,W1AST, Technical,,Robert  Meneguzzo,K1YO, [/table] There is still a position available, if you have any interest…

  • HCRA Raffle Poll – What would you liked to see raffled?

    Every year, HCRA sponsors a fund raiser through a raffle. We usually choose an item (or items) that retails for around $1000 and raffle it off to one lucky winner. Last year we raffled the Elecraft KX2. It’s a 5-10 watt HF rig that included a microphone and antenna tuner. It sold around 180 tickets…

  • Slides and Information from HCRA’s Contest University

    Did you miss HCRA’s contest university that was part of our “Share The Knowledge” seris this past fall? No problem! We’ve uploaded the slides from our presentations. Also included are links to sites and software that was mentioned during the class Click Here For The PDF (.pdf) of “HCRA Introduction To Contesting” Click Here For…

  • Swap And Sell Is Now Back!

    HCRA’s Swap And Sell Is Now Back With thanks to George (KC1V), Paul (NF1G) and Jim (KK1W), the HCRA swap and sell is now back. At our monthly meetings, we will have few tables setup for the members to sell amateur or electronic related items. You may never know what deals may show up at…

  • Eastern VHF/UHF/Microwave Conference – April 21-23

    43rd EASTERN VHF/UHF/MICROWAVE CONFERENCE: APRIL 21-23, 2017 BAYMONT INN & SUITES (860)-643-5645 20 TAYLOR ST. (OFF I-84 at exit 63) MANCHESTER, CT 06042 Conference Web Address:    4/21/17     FRIDAY LODGING 2:30-5PM Afternoon Workshop TBD 6:00pm ’til – SUPER HOSPITALITY ROOM (Food & Refreshments)!!   & Indoor SWAP/SELL & VENDORS.     (You may want to re-think going out to…

  • HCRA March Meeting (Mar 3rd, 2017) – VHF/UHF Weak Signal Communications

    HCRA March Meeting 2017 Friday March 3rd 2017 at 7:30pm. Holyoke Medical Center Auxiliary Conference Center This month HCRA is proud to have Dick Frey (WA2AAU), president of the North East Weak Signal group. He will be discussing working long distance on VHF and UHF. With the solar cycle heading into a null, this would…

  • HCRA Clublog Challenge 2016 Winners Are In

    HCRA like to encourage on air activity from our members. We compete in a few contests and challenges every year. This year HCRA participated in the “Clublog Challenge”. The goal was to make as many contacts with as many countries or entities throughout the year. At the end of the year, we would tally up…