From Larry Krainson (W1AST):
Everyone still LOVES getting QSL cards in the mail. Sure LOTW works great, but the thrill of getting cards is still exciting. But, how does the QSL Bureau work? How does that batch of cards arrive at your mailbox?
Come to the Friday night HCRA meeting to find out. Eric Williams, KV1J from the buro is coming out to talk to us and show some hands on what is involved.
Come and join us at 7:30 pm at the Holyoke Hospital meeting room. Not only will you hear about an interesting subject, but you’ll get to chat in person with local hams that you haven’t seen since the last meeting or hams you’ve spoken to on the 10m net or local repeaters.
I hope to see you there,
Larry, W1AST
Check out W1 QSL Bureau at:
Click here for directions to the meeting location