Tag: Contests
HCRA Field Day makes local paper
[google-map-v3 width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” draggable=”true” tiltfourtyfive=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”42.073651,-72.593356{}cablecar.png{}School Street Park” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”] Well looks like the advertising campaign for FD 2013 has gotten under way. We also have gotten a pencil in visit from the mayor of Agawam. Great bonuses…
Get ready for the New England QSO Party May 4th & 5th.
Tom/K1KI sent the message copied below. Please take a moment to read it and hopefully you will be QRV in NEQP this year. Don’t forget, HCRA sponsors a beautiful plaque for high score, single op, Hampden County. I’ll bet it would look nice on the wall in YOUR shack! Here’s Tom’s message: I hope everyone…
WN1E brings home the HCRA Plaque for NEQP 2012!
Putting in a major effort last year Dave ‘brings home the gold‘ (or at least the plaque) for High Score, Single Operator in Hampden County. Battling it out with eleven other entries Dave’s 31,850 points almost doubled the next closest score of the W1NY club call operated by Ed/KB1NWH. Here’s Dave’s soapbox comment: WN1E –…