
See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

ARRL Special Service Club Logo.
ARRL Affiliated Club Logo

Latest Blog Posts

  • HCRA 10M Contest Challenge!

    Yep, it’s back again this year – the HCRA Challenge. Last year we offered a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card to any member scoring over 77,000 points. Many members blew past the 77K goal and scored well over 100K! So, what’s the goal for 2012 you ask? Using the same formula as last year (total club…

  • ARRL 10 Meter Contest Tutorial

    Adapted from Jim – KK1W’s tutorial from the original HCRA website The ARRL Ten Meter Contest starts the Friday of the second full weekend of December at 0000 UTC (7:00PM local time) and runs through 2359 UTC (6:59PM) Sunday. If you have a chance to get on I hope you make a few contacts. The…

  • November Member Profile: Nick – K1MAZ

    Name: Nick Maslon Town: Three Rivers Callsign: K1MAZ Previous Callsigns: KB1VYZ (never used on the air) License Class: Extra Main station equipment: Kenwood TS-450 (borrowed from NE1C) with a G5RV and 160m inverted L Favorite Band(s): 17m, 15m Favorite Mode(s): SSB Year you were first licensed and license class: 2011 General How did you become…

  • Fred Hopengarten, K1VR to speak on antenna zoning at FCARC meeting Monday night

    Posted on November 18, 2012 by N1FJ   Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur Is there a tower and antenna in your future? Applying for a Permit? On November 19 the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) speaker will be Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, telecommunications lawyer. Fred is author of the definitive book,Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur. Fred has represented…

  • Holiday Party December 10, 2012

    There will be no HCRA meeting Friday, December 7, 2012. Our annual Holiday Party will be at the Steaming Tender in Palmer on Monday, December 10, 2012. See below:

  • More links from the November 2nd meeting

    Here are the sources for antenna supports I use for portable operation. Usable height is usually less than claimed height. We have found that anything over 20 feet or so works well on a summit activation. 28′ carbon fiber pole, about $100 including shipping, strong and light and compact:  http://www.allfishingbuy.com/Fishing-Pole/Pole-A1-65-2-8615.htm 31′ Jackite fiberglass pole, $68.95…

  • Links from the November 2nd meeting

    Here’s some links that will give you additional information discussed at our November 2nd meeting (SOTA and portable operation). Thanks everyone for attending, I hope you enjoyed the meeting and the refreshments. Don’t forget to purchase your Holiday Party ticket! The photo on the left is from this summer’s activation of Mt. Mansfield by Frandy…

  • Building a portable 12 Volt DC power source

    If you’re like me, you not only enjoy your radios in the comfort of your shack, but like to go outside to “play radio” in events such as the upcoming 2013 ARRL January VHF Contest. This is a contest where I enjoy being a rover station. I also take part in spontaneous DX parties, public…

  • Fred Hopengarten, K1VR to speak on antenna zoning at FCARC meeting

    Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur Is there a tower and antenna in your future? Applying for a Permit? On November 19 the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) speaker will be Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, telecommunications lawyer. Fred is author of the definitive book, Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur. Fred has represented many amateurs…

  • From the Shack – November 2012

    Our last meeting of 2012 – November 2nd! Yep, November is our last meeting this year. December brings the joint HCRA/MTARA Holiday Party, which replaces the regular meeting. We have an interesting presentation for you this month, a presentation focusing on portable operations, including SOTA, battery technology, field deployable antenna ideas for HF, and an…