Category: Field Day
Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 Year
OK, here we go. It the first meeting of the year tomorrow night at the Holyoke Medical Center at 7:30. There will be the usual camaraderie, 3 that’s right 3 guest speakers. KK1W, W1MSW, and W1MOR. All have short presentations on these summers’ activities that the club participated in in one way or another, They…
Field Day Aerial Video
I’ve published a short video clip of our towers and antennas as seen from above. Nothing fancy but fun to look at, whether or not your were at Field Day. Field Day Aerial Video Enjoy, see you next year at FD 2015! Jim
Win an Elecraft KX3! – HCRA Raffle
HCRA’s raffle this year is going to be for a Elecraft KX3! (Raffle for radio only! Antenna, angle adapter, microphone and keyer not included) For a mere $10 donation to the HCRA, you get a chance to win an assembled KX3 by Elecraft valued at around $1000. This is an very popular and excellent HF…
60th Anniversary of HCRA Field Day Inferno
This year’s Field Day will mark the 60th anniversary of HCRA’s Field Day that didn’t happen. In 2010, Jim/KK1W asked Jack/W1WEF, an HCRA member in 1954, to give an account of the event. Jack gives a wonderful narrative on ham radio in Hampden County at that time, as well as what happened that day. The…
short FD follow up
I would like to thank every one that participated in any and all ways in FD. This was a new adventure for us. New location, new set-up, new people. We had a great time. There was some mistake made but, hey, were are only amateurs. The set up crew was awesome, the operating crew was…
VE3DVY Video: Introduction to N1MM Logger and ARRL Field Day
I found this little gem that VE3DVY put together on Field Day and using N1MM: This video is a great introduction to logging with N1MM. It only goes over using N1MM while logging and leaves out all the N1MM configuration info that you don’t need to know for field day. If it still seems too…
HCRA Invades Agawam
T minus 4 days and counting. Agawam residents should be on the look out for Amateur Radio operators. They look like normal people, dress like normal people, but have a language all their own. Some speak in code (CW), Some in Digital ( RTTY, PSK), Even the words they use(CQ, 59 WMA, 73). Here is…
HCRA Field Day makes local paper
[google-map-v3 width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” draggable=”true” tiltfourtyfive=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”42.073651,-72.593356{}cablecar.png{}School Street Park” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”] Well looks like the advertising campaign for FD 2013 has gotten under way. We also have gotten a pencil in visit from the mayor of Agawam. Great bonuses…
April 2013 Zero Beat now available
Here is the link to the April issue of Zero Beat. Lots of good stuff this month, enjoy it and see you at the meeting Friday night! Zero Beat Apr 2013