Help needed for Technician Class on April 27th

Hey folks,

John/Kx1x and I are looking for help with a one-day Technician class to be held on April 27th, 2013. This was a small class planned as a ‘one-day’ intense session for a handful of students, but it has morphed into a twelve student extravaganza!

Yep, the class consists of a dozen ‘highly motivated’ and prepared students and our goal is a 100% pass rate – hopefully we can accomplish our goal. Or need is for a few more instructors to help with reviewing the material, answer questions from the students that need clarification and guide some interactive, on line exams. We’re also looking for anyone desiring to help with the test session immediately following the class.

You need not commit a whole day, if you can give the students an hour of your time it will be a great benefit. Think about it, would YOU want to listen to either John or me for six hours? See, we don’t need your help, the students do!

Class starts at 9:00 AM and the VE session is planned for 3:00 PM. Class location is at the Senior Center in West Brookfield, MA

If you have a few hours to help a dozen folks get their ham ticket please contact either John or I at our email addresses or on the HCRA facebook page. Let’s show how HCRA can make a difference in our fine hobby!


John/Kx1x & Jim/KK1W


One response to “Help needed for Technician Class on April 27th”

  1. […] As previously reported John and I will be hosting a ‘One Day’ Technician Class this coming Saturday. More details about the class are here. […]

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