HCRA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 13-June-2018

HCRA Board of Directors meeting 13-Jun-2018


President – WM1B (Dave)

Vice President – W1AST (Larry)

Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)

Technical Dir – K1YO (Bob)

Program Dir. – Najm (AB1ZA)

At Large – Ron (AB1ZJ)


Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen)

Zero Beat Ed. – Open

Membership – K1VOI (John)


Paul – NF1G

——————————— Meeting Open at 7:00pm ———————

President Report:

  • Dave is still looking into QSL card designs and will have the W1NY reassigned to himself.
  • Introduced Paul (NF1G) to the group who talked about: An original idea proposed by member Nick Maslon (K1NZ). Paul had put together a proposal as to how the club could sponsor a “pooling” procedure for member’s Outgoing QSL cards through the ARRL’s Outgoing QSL Service. Paul will bring full details to the membership at the September meeting.

         There was a motion to the approve the proposal: Motion: 2nd: Carried: Yes

Vice President Report:

  • A motion was made to release the HCRA 10 meter net and assumed Monday night slot to Dan, K1VWQ.

         Motion: 2nd: Carried: Yes

Secretary Report:

  • Last months BOD minutes for approval: Motion: 2nd: Carried: Yes

Treasurers Report:

       – End of May Statement: (Please see below)

Program Director Report:

  • Jun, Field Day
  • Sep, John Ellsworth, Vintage Radio Museum
  • Oct, DX Engineering
  • Nov, ARRL Section Manager, Ray, KB1LRL

At Large Report:

  • Nothing to report.

HCRA Financial Statement May 2018

Beginning Balance: $9,936.29

Ending Balance $8,693.89


Dues $66.30

Table $ 6.00

Donuts $23.25

KK1W $50.00 (630m Challenge)




uBitX Radio Kit $ 119.00

uBitX Radio Kit $ 119.00

IC-7300 $1.099.95

Donuts $ 50.00



Membership Report:

John, K1VOI and the Board are working on ways to tighten membership enrollment as well as expiration times and cross-checks of the membership database.

– John and Dave will also be working on a redesign of the membership renewal form. Upon completion, Najm will receive the information of what the membership likes and are interested in so he can coordinate new topics and guests with what he has observed from the membership.

Technical Director:

– All is going very well for Field Day. Bob and Larry have done an exemplary job in coordinating  everything there is involved in Field Day. Weather and propagation is what is left for a great  Field Day.

Zero Beat Editor:

– (Open)

Old Business

– The Board is looking into individual job descriptions to further each ones responsibilities and enhance the positions in bringing in and welcoming new members. To broaden the scope and widen perspectives in order to keep the Association in good standing for future growth and knowledge.

A 2nd draft has been presented at the meeting. More discussions will be made at future meetings.

New Business

A motion was made and accepted to remove the Facebook page that we are not using.

Specifically, the Read-Only HCRA Facebook page. Only approved individuals to our Facebook

page will be able to post and add comments.

Motion: 2nd: Carried: Yes

Next Board of Director’s meeting will be on 29-August-2018.

Our next club meeting is 07-September-2018.

——————————— Meeting Closed at 8:30pm ———————


One response to “HCRA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 13-June-2018”

  1. Ed LaCombe Avatar
    Ed LaCombe

    Let me know when W1MB takes over the club call. It is still valid till 2Feb2025