Board Meeting Minutes 08/26/2012

HCRA Meeting Minutes 8-26-2012
Officer Reports
Vice President – KB1NWH not present due to illness
Report – KY1T Camper has been cleaned.Field Day worked out well in it. It also doubled
as a shelter during times of inclement weather.
Treasurer’s Report – AA1YW
Current Financial report – (To include Dufresne Park refund and all incomes/expenditures to date)
Field Day Net costs 2012 – $856 Park Rental and Food
$1392 Trailer purchase and Equipment (Triplexers)
There was some discussion on covering Field Day food costs
Secretary Report – N1MFL
Secretary was not present, ill. June minutes submitted in his absence
The topic was raised to publish the meeting minutes on the website and it was approved.
Technical Report – W1MSW
Field Day Raffle Result – $130 profit
W1MSW will be helping Doug Henderson set up his K3
Zero Beat Update – N1FJ has content for September Zero Beat, cutoff date for September ZB is Aug 30th.
Matt offered to provide a Field Day report in the Sept issue
Membership report – K1KXR – Not Present
Current Member Count – 88
At Large – W1MJB Nothing to report
Program report – KX1X
September – Khrystyne Keane/K1SFA – had to drop because of family commitments.
October – Tom Homewood/W1TO – RTTY and RTTY contesting.
November Auction – none this year because of location change – still under consideration for 2013.
December – Holiday Party
January – ???
Guest report – NT1K
Report on new web site – Jeff spent time with us reviewing progress on the new website and some quick instructions on
how to use it to post articles. We still have a lot to learn to take full advantage of this new tool. Everyone congratulated
Jeff on a job well done and we’re looking forward to additional future enhancements.
Old Business
Progress of joint holiday party? – (KK1W) – on schedule, Jim will coordinate with MTARA going forward.
Choose the next long term raffle prize, start date, coordinator? – KX3, 250 tickets, $10 each, start in September.
New Business
How should member count be reported – (KK1W) – all agreed it should stay the same. Should we letter the trailer(s)? –
no conclusion at this time – tabled until next meeting. Hospital Donation, when and how much? – $250/year to be given
in September.
Club Meeting minutes respectively submitted by Dave Scarpa, HCRA Secretary.


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