VHF 3EL Tape Measure Yagi Workshop – February 1st

A part of next month’s meeting will consist of a “Build A Beam” workshop where you can build a 3 element VHF Yagi that is made from PVC and measuring tape.

3EL Beam


It’s a great antenna for portable operations such as foxhunting (RDF), SOTA, camping or anything else that you need an improved antenna over the stock “rubber duck” antenna that comes with your portable.

Here is a quick video of it in action.

The antenna will be mostly fabricated before the meeting. At the meeting we’ll be assembling the antenna and soldering on the coax which makes it a easy and fun build.

The antenna will end up costing $20 that has to be pre-paid before the meeting to cover the costs of material. If you’re interested in making an really neat Yagi, please fill out the form below.

Those whom have not paid, please bring cash to the meeting. Thank you!


2 responses to “VHF 3EL Tape Measure Yagi Workshop – February 1st”

  1. hi i’m 4S5DSI from sri lanka
    splice send me this antenna specification , i won to med this aluminium 8/5 tube
    how arbutus your eider. thanks 73

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