Tag: raffle

  • Silent Auction -TONIGHT! – are you ready for some fun?

    Yep, whether buying or selling tonight’s HCRA meeting, Coax Presentation and Silent Auction promises to be great fun. If you have something to sell, bring it down. Buying, all you need is $$$ :). Everyone is welcome, members and non-members alike so bring a friend that’s interested in radio along too. Besides the Silent Auction…

  • This KX3 could be YOURS!

      We’re talking about the EXACT Elecraft KX3 in the photograph, serial # 2261. It arrived safely and is in our hands. So how do you get it? Easy, purchase a KX3 raffle ticket at the next HCRA meeting, that’s how! For a mere $10 donation to HCRA you get a chance to win this…

  • From the Shack – October 2012

    What’s that ‘funny noise’ on 14.085 MHz? If you’re tuning around the bands and come across some signals that sound like “beedley, beedley, beedley” you may have stumbled across a radio teletype transmission. Not exactly sure what that “beedley” sound is? Here’s what it sounds like – rtty (hint, click rtty) Usually abbreviated RTTY, it…

  • New KX3 Raffle – starts at the September 7th meeting!

      We were one of the first clubs in the world to give away an Elecraft KX3 – and we’re doing it again! Tickets will be available starting September 7th during our kick-off meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. A $10 donation puts you in the running. Only 250 tickets will be available and the…

  • NoBARC Hamfest Tomorrow – August 12th

    NoBARC Hamfest Tomorrow – August 12th

    The weather is ‘supposed’ to be decent tomorrow morning, a perfect time to go to a hamfest. If you haven’t been to one in a while take a ride to the Berkshires and have fun. They have a bunch of good raffle prizes too. http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm Maybe I’ll see you there? Jim/KK1W