• Preview our new meeting location!

    Preview our new meeting location!

    Here’s some photographs that should get you ready for our first meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. The auditorium is newly renovated, features seating for 100 guests, offers free wi-fi, podium with sound system, LCD projector, screen and sound system if needed, The site is fully accessible, rest room, drinking fountain and soda/juice vending machine…

  • Renewal time is here!

    Summer is almost over, the kids will be heading back to school, vacations are winding down AND – it’s time to renew your membership to HCRA. Our 2012/2013 season starts September 1st. Why not beat the rush at the meeting, download the handy application form on our membership page and send it in now, while…

  • From The Shack – Aug 2012

    Hello everyone and welcome to HCRA’s ‘new and improved’ web site. Bear with us just a little while longer while we transfer over the remainder of relevant content from the old site. Jeff/NT1K is the major architect behind the change and is working quickly to get it wrapped up ASAP. He’s done a fantastic job…