Hello everyone and welcome to HCRA’s ‘new and improved’ web site. Bear with us just a little while longer while we transfer over the remainder of relevant content from the old site. Jeff/NT1K is the major architect behind the change and is working quickly to get it wrapped up ASAP. He’s done a fantastic job so far don’t you think?
It is our hope the new website with its loads of interactive content will become a landing place for everyone interested not only in HCRA but amateur radio in general. We were at the front of the pack when we introduced our web site over a decade ago but we’ve been dragging our heels the last few years about moving to a better format. Thanks not only to Jeff for getting it done but also to Matt/W1MSW and John/Kx1x for their help and suggestions over the last six months. Like most things HCRA it is a team event.
As we move further away from website creation and closer to website utilization we’re working hard to understand the new format and how best to use the new features to enhance everyone’s experiences with HCRA. The new website is totally interactive and allows everyone to participate, add comments and suggestions, calendar items, etc. Do you have something you’ve seen on other websites that could benefit HCRA? Pass it along, we’re looking for new ideas and different approaches – approaches that hopefully will interest new, younger folks into our interesting hobby.
I hope your summer has been going well and you’ve had a chance to experience some new things, ham radio or otherwise, before the kids head back to school and the leaves start to fall. Our next meeting is September 7th at the new HCRA meeting place at the Holyoke Medical Center. Keep an eye on this website, your email box and our Facebook page for complete directions to our fantastic new location.
Until then 73 and good DX,
One response to “From The Shack – Aug 2012”
Hey I like it
easy to find stuff.Summer has flown by!
HCRA 10 mt. Net continues through the summer.Casual conversation 3 – 5 Ops.
sometimes more.28.375 MHz. 7:30 Mon. Eves..Good to 8:pm.