• DX Bulletin 42

    ARLD042 DX news This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by NC1L, W3UR, QRZ DX, The Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all. RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9.  A group of operators will be…

  • October Zero Beat is live, on the web and in your email box

    This Friday, October 5th! Club meeting featuring Tom Homewood/W1TO, silent auction, KX3 raffle and more. Read all about the meeting, upcoming raffles and more in the October issue of Zero Beat. Once again Frandy has put together an interesting issue of HCRA and local interest. Enjoy!

  • Re-Up, Re-Up, Wherever You Are.

    Our 2012/2013 season started on September 1st and thanks go out to all of you who renewed your membership for another year. However some of you have yet to take that quick moment to get your own renewals taken care of. It’s fast, it’s easy, and can be done by mail or in person at…

  • Home Made Off Center Fed Dipole

    Here is my first attempt at an article.  I wanted to make a all band antenna without the long tail of a G5RV.  I did some research and remembered that awhile back I had received an antenna from a fellow ham that had been struck by lightning.  It was a 40 meter Carolina windom. Started…

  • September Zero Beat is live, on the web and in your email box

    Don’t forget! Our first meeting of the new season is this Friday, September 7th. Read all about the meeting, upcoming raffles and more in the September issue of Zero Beat. Frandy once again has put together eight pages of HCRA and local interest for September. Enjoy!

  • 2012 Field Day Summary

    Last June Hampden County Radio Association once again participated in the annual ARRL Field Day event. This year we added an additional transmitter, which put us in the 8A category. As usual, the event was an overall success with our members and visitors having a great time while operating and enjoying each other’s company. And…

  • Help Wanted

    Our club is looking for a few volunteers for the upcoming 2012/2013 season. Here’s a chance for you to give something back to your fellow club members. The pay is little (well actually none!) but the rewards are great. KX3 Raffle Coordinator As coordinator you would actively promote the raffle at HCRA meetings, local hamfests…

  • New KX3 Raffle – starts at the September 7th meeting!

      We were one of the first clubs in the world to give away an Elecraft KX3 – and we’re doing it again! Tickets will be available starting September 7th during our kick-off meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. A $10 donation puts you in the running. Only 250 tickets will be available and the…

  • Treasurer’s Report – August 26, 2012

    Income: Park Refund: $746.00 FD Raffle: $380.00 FD Food: $260.00 Membership: $15.00 Silent Auction: $87.00 Total Income: $1483.00 Expenses Hall Rent: $90.00 FD Parts: $21.23 Trailer setup food: $50.00 Crew Charter: $20.00 KX3 (long term raffle prize): $1026.80 Web Hosting: $88.00 Triplexer/bpf filters (Field Day): $670.85 Field Day Food: $500.00 Total Expenses: $2378.88 Starting Balance:…