Tag: hamfest

  • Good stuff cheap – Swap & Sell September 9th

    Swap and Sell will be returning to HCRA meetings for the remainder of 2016. Since the program started this past January lots of good stuff has changed hands, people have gone home with either cash in their pocket or a new trinket to play around with in the shack and HCRA added a few dollars to the…

  • Yes, Swap & Sell will be at Show & Tell!

      Here’s a chance to make money on your project. After you win one of the prizes put your hand crafted watchamcallit’ on the swap table and go home with to cash along with your prize 🙂 Or maybe find something on the table for your next creation? Once again the Swap & Sell table…

  • HCRA’s 250 Raffle – Win A Kenwood TS-590SG

    Win A Kenwood TS-590SG Tickets Just $10 EA   It’s that time for the Hampden County Radio Associations (HCRA) annual raffle. This year the board of directors wanted to raffle off a 100w base station transceiver. The Kenwood TS-590SG ($1700 Retail) was the perfect choice because it’s a very excellent radio packed with features that…

  • NEAR-Fest: May 1st and 2nd, 2015

    From: W1RC, MisterMike To: All for Immediate Release Dear Friends of NEAR-Fest: It is with great regret and sadness that I must inform the radio amateurs and electronic hobbyists of New England that the NEAR-Fest Board of Directors finds it necessary to POSTPONE the FreeFest aspect of NEAR-FEST XVII that was scheduled for May 2015. …

  • Visit the HCRA Table at the MTARA Hamfest this Saturday.

    MTARA Hamfest this Saturday, March 2nd – Visit us at the HCRA club table! The hamfest/fleamarket season is just getting underway. What better way to break out of the winter blues than to spend a few hours with your local friends, wander aisles of tables full of ham radio bargains, eat food you probably shouldn’t, and overall have…

  • Help Wanted

    Our club is looking for a few volunteers for the upcoming 2012/2013 season. Here’s a chance for you to give something back to your fellow club members. The pay is little (well actually none!) but the rewards are great. KX3 Raffle Coordinator As coordinator you would actively promote the raffle at HCRA meetings, local hamfests…

  • NoBARC Hamfest Tomorrow – August 12th

    NoBARC Hamfest Tomorrow – August 12th

    The weather is ‘supposed’ to be decent tomorrow morning, a perfect time to go to a hamfest. If you haven’t been to one in a while take a ride to the Berkshires and have fun. They have a bunch of good raffle prizes too. http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm Maybe I’ll see you there? Jim/KK1W