Tag: field day
HCRA Field Day makes local paper
[google-map-v3 width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” draggable=”true” tiltfourtyfive=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”42.073651,-72.593356{}cablecar.png{}School Street Park” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”] Well looks like the advertising campaign for FD 2013 has gotten under way. We also have gotten a pencil in visit from the mayor of Agawam. Great bonuses…
OPERATING TIP CQ WW RTTY Director, Ed WØYK, shares the log submission issues experienced by all contest sponsors. “It is apparent that many people do not read the robot email reply they receive. At the bottom of that email, the robot lists the format errors in the log. If you don’t understand what the robot…
Re-Up, Re-Up, Wherever You Are.
Our 2012/2013 season started on September 1st and thanks go out to all of you who renewed your membership for another year. However some of you have yet to take that quick moment to get your own renewals taken care of. It’s fast, it’s easy, and can be done by mail or in person at…
Home Made Off Center Fed Dipole
Here is my first attempt at an article. I wanted to make a all band antenna without the long tail of a G5RV. I did some research and remembered that awhile back I had received an antenna from a fellow ham that had been struck by lightning. It was a 40 meter Carolina windom. Started…
From the Shack – September 2012
“Welcome back my friends…..” Welcome to the NEW HCRA – new meeting hall, new website, new raffle and more! I hope your summer has been interesting and exciting. Now, as the leaves begin to turn and there’s a bite of crisp autumn in the air, it is time to re-energize your activity in amateur radio!…
2012 Field Day Summary
Last June Hampden County Radio Association once again participated in the annual ARRL Field Day event. This year we added an additional transmitter, which put us in the 8A category. As usual, the event was an overall success with our members and visitors having a great time while operating and enjoying each other’s company. And…
Treasurer’s Report – August 26, 2012
Income: Park Refund: $746.00 FD Raffle: $380.00 FD Food: $260.00 Membership: $15.00 Silent Auction: $87.00 Total Income: $1483.00 Expenses Hall Rent: $90.00 FD Parts: $21.23 Trailer setup food: $50.00 Crew Charter: $20.00 KX3 (long term raffle prize): $1026.80 Web Hosting: $88.00 Triplexer/bpf filters (Field Day): $670.85 Field Day Food: $500.00 Total Expenses: $2378.88 Starting Balance:…
Renewal time is here!
Summer is almost over, the kids will be heading back to school, vacations are winding down AND – it’s time to renew your membership to HCRA. Our 2012/2013 season starts September 1st. Why not beat the rush at the meeting, download the handy application form on our membership page and send it in now, while…