Tag: field day
Winter Field Day is This Weekend
Winter Field Day is happening this weekend, January 25th and 26th, 2025, and we’re excited to share some new objectives and features this year! Here’s what you need to know: Don’t forget to submit your logs—whether you’ve made 10 QSOs or 100+, every contact counts! Let’s work together to achieve our goal over 300,000 QSOs…
Field Day 2024: Fun Despite the Weather
The HCRA and the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club held our joint Field Day in School Street Park, Agawam, MA this past weekend. It was two days of fun, camaraderie, and displays of classic ham ingenuity and perseverance. Check out the gallery to relive the good times, or see what you missed if you weren’t…
Field Day with HCRA
In just a few days, we’ll be setting up for our annual Field Day operation in School Street Park, Agawam. The HCRA station will be right behind the bandshell, north of the baseball diamond visible in the aerial image below. Setup starts at 13:00 EDT on Friday, June 21st. Field Day operation officially commences at…
HCRA is READY for Field Day – are YOU!
About seven days from now HCRA will be blasting the airwaves with “CQ Field” day from School St. Park in nearby Agawam, MA. Our plans have solidified to a 5A operation, perhaps even 6A, the usual superb four towers with beams on 40, 20, 15 and 10 and dipoles for 80/75. a Saturday VE session, lots…
Field Day Aerial Video
I’ve published a short video clip of our towers and antennas as seen from above. Nothing fancy but fun to look at, whether or not your were at Field Day. Field Day Aerial Video Enjoy, see you next year at FD 2015! Jim
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 24 ARLP024 From Tad Cook, K7RA Seattle, WA June 13, 2014
To all radio amateurs SB PROP ARL ARLP024 ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA Last week’s bulletin opened with your author (me) moaning about a decline in solar activity, but this was short lived. The current week saw average daily sunspot numbers more than double, rising from 60.1 to 144.3, and average daily solar flux rise from…
60th Anniversary of HCRA Field Day Inferno
This year’s Field Day will mark the 60th anniversary of HCRA’s Field Day that didn’t happen. In 2010, Jim/KK1W asked Jack/W1WEF, an HCRA member in 1954, to give an account of the event. Jack gives a wonderful narrative on ham radio in Hampden County at that time, as well as what happened that day. The…
short FD follow up
I would like to thank every one that participated in any and all ways in FD. This was a new adventure for us. New location, new set-up, new people. We had a great time. There was some mistake made but, hey, were are only amateurs. The set up crew was awesome, the operating crew was…
VE3DVY Video: Introduction to N1MM Logger and ARRL Field Day
I found this little gem that VE3DVY put together on Field Day and using N1MM: This video is a great introduction to logging with N1MM. It only goes over using N1MM while logging and leaves out all the N1MM configuration info that you don’t need to know for field day. If it still seems too…
HCRA Invades Agawam
T minus 4 days and counting. Agawam residents should be on the look out for Amateur Radio operators. They look like normal people, dress like normal people, but have a language all their own. Some speak in code (CW), Some in Digital ( RTTY, PSK), Even the words they use(CQ, 59 WMA, 73). Here is…