
See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

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Latest Blog Posts

  • Baofeng is Now Pofung

    Just a heads up to all that the most popular Chinese HT company has changed its name from Baofeng to Pofung to please Western Markets. From  Baofeng Pofung: http://www.baofengradio.com/en/shownews.asp?id=28 We are pleased to announce today that we’re rebranding our products as ‘Pofung’? for international markets.   Thanks to our valued customers from all over the world,…

  • Adding Wifi to a KX3

    Wifi inside a KX3 While browsing info on the ‘Piglet’ on Nick Garner’s Pignology web site the thought struck me, I wonder if I could install a version of the Piglet inside my KX3. I built my KX3 from a kit and never installed the battery holders or the internal charger. I’ve always operated the…

  • 60th Anniversary of HCRA Field Day Inferno

    This year’s Field Day will mark the 60th anniversary of HCRA’s Field Day that didn’t happen. In 2010, Jim/KK1W asked Jack/W1WEF, an HCRA member in 1954, to give an account of the event. Jack gives a wonderful narrative on ham radio in Hampden County at that time, as well as what happened that day. The…

  • Massachusetts to Host USA ARDF Championships June 5-8

    The USA ARDF (Amateur Radio Direction Finding) Championships return to the Northeast this year. ARRL ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV, said on-foot foxhunting fans of all skill levels will gather near Boston in early June for 4 days of intense competition. Registration to participate in the event has been extended to June 1. Activities begin…

  • Meeting Highlights – 5/2/14

    Attended the meeting last night? Want to learn more about SDR (RTL) and JT65? Here are the links that were mentioned last night SDR  OsmocomSDR One of the first websites that expermiated with the RTL-SDR, A lot of valuable information is located on this website. A suggest read to purchase the correct unit RTL-SDR Dongle…

  • WRTC payments due this month!

    The following people have balances due for WRTC purchases. If you’re planning on coming to this Friday’ meeting please see Dave or myself to pay off your balance. If not a check sent to our PO Box ASAP would be greatly appreciated. Mark/KB1SO – $456.00 Eric/W1MOR – $141.75 Dave/AA1YW – $175.00 Marty/W1MJB – $680.00 Dave/WN1E…

  • HCRA Foxhunt – June 1st

      Now that things are warming up in Hampden County, I think it’s time to have ourselves a Foxhunt. So dust off your direction finding equipment and make sure it works. With thanks to Larry, W1AST (ex WB1DBY), We had a decent turnout for our last foxhunt that took place in the fall of 2013. Jeff,…

  • World Amateur Radio Day 2014

     Quoted from the ARRL Website. ““Amateur Radio: Your Gateway to Wireless Communication” is the theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2014, Friday, April 18. Radio amateurs celebrate World Amateur Radio Day each year on April 18 to recognize the anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in Paris in 1925. ARRL…

  • Election Slate for 2014/2015 Announced!

    All HCRA board members would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone that turned out for last night’s meeting and volunteered your skills and time to keep HCRA rolling along both now and in the future. It was refreshing to see long time and new members willing to add their skills to the…

  • HCRA Inventory Reduction Sale!

    It’s spring cleaning time in the HCRA Field Day trailer. We need to make room for the new equipment coming our way from the WRTC stations later this year. So….. Offered to HCRA members only at an unbelievable price are two (yes two!) 15 meter mono-band HF Yagi antennas. Both antennas are used but in…