See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

Latest Blog Posts
September 10, 2015
HCRA Board Meeting September 10, 2015 Attendance: Harold (N1FTP) Gary (WA1MOW) Jeff (NT1K) Bob (K1Y0) John (K1VOI) Juergen (NV1Q) Dave (WM1B) Larry (W1AST) President summarized the activities. Still looking for a Web Master Vice President Harold Woering was introduced and had no additional comments Treasurer indicated he had the bank account and the electronic banking…
June 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
HCRA BOD Meeting Minutes June 11th, 2015 Location: IHOP West Springfield MA Meeting called to order by President Jeff NT1k Attending: Daye AA1Y Larry W1AST Juergen NV1Q John K1VOI Bob K1YO Gary WA1MOW Jeff NT1K Ed KB1NWH Dave WM1B Officer Reports Past President: Great Year A lot of Fun. Transfer PO Box to Gary WA1MOW.…
Next Meeting is Friday, September 4th 2015
Welcome to a new season of HCRA Larry (W1AST) has been hard at work obtaining guest speakers for the upcoming season. The guest speaker for the first meeting of the season on Friday, September 4th will be Fred Stefanick (N1DPM). He will be discussing EME communications and how you don’t necessarily need a massive array…
HCRA’s 250 Raffle – Win A Kenwood TS-590SG
Win A Kenwood TS-590SG Tickets Just $10 EA It’s that time for the Hampden County Radio Associations (HCRA) annual raffle. This year the board of directors wanted to raffle off a 100w base station transceiver. The Kenwood TS-590SG ($1700 Retail) was the perfect choice because it’s a very excellent radio packed with features that…
May 7, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
BOD MINUTES May 7th 2015, IHOP Meeting called to order at 7:10 by President Ed KB1NWH, In attendance: Larry W1AST, Gary WA1MOW, Rick N1KXR, Bob K1YO, Jeff NT1K, Dave WM1B, Guests, Faye Krainson, VP W1MOR Report : Absent No Report TREASURER AA1YW Report: Absent No Report SECRETARY WM1B Any Business: Discussion of Ham Club testing…
Mar 12th Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Started 7:15 VP W1MOR Report. Nothing to report TREASURER AA1YW Report. Balance $9095. KX3 profit $781.22. Christmas party cost $931, Used 40 meter beam cost $200, Donation HMC $250, Donation Agawam Park and Rec $250 SECRETARY – WM1B : Any Business. Paper work up to date MEMBERSHIP N1KXR Head count 102 members TECHNICAL K1YO…
Links and slides from this past meeting
Big thanks to Steve Dick (K1RF) for making the trip up to Hampden County to talk about speaker design for the amateur radio operator. It was very interesting. Steve referenced a lot of websites and products. He has sent us a PDF of his presentation. Loudspeaker Design Considerations for Amateur Radio RevD With this PDF,…
Volunteers Needed For Scantic Spring Splash!
From Bob (W1SQ) Good Morning. The annual Scantic Spring Splash Canoe/Kayak Race is scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015. The group is in need of licensed Amateurs for coordination/river security. I request is to pass this email to them so they may volunteer as individuals. Hours will be from 8:30 AM to approximately 2:00 pm.…
Jan 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
HCRA. BOD Meeting Minutes for Jan 9, 2015 Location: Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield Called to Order @ 18:30 BOD Members in attendance Rich N1XR via conference call Jeff NT1K in person Bob K1YO in person Gary W1MOW in person Eric W1MOR in person Ed KB1NWH in person VP W1MOR-Holiday…