See below for the latest blog posts and news about our activites and events. You can also follow the links above for more information about specific aspects of the club. If you’re brand-new at all this, here’s an introduction to what the Hampden County Radio Association is all about.

Latest Blog Posts
Good stuff cheap – Swap & Sell September 9th
Swap and Sell will be returning to HCRA meetings for the remainder of 2016. Since the program started this past January lots of good stuff has changed hands, people have gone home with either cash in their pocket or a new trinket to play around with in the shack and HCRA added a few dollars to the…
HCRA is READY for Field Day – are YOU!
About seven days from now HCRA will be blasting the airwaves with “CQ Field” day from School St. Park in nearby Agawam, MA. Our plans have solidified to a 5A operation, perhaps even 6A, the usual superb four towers with beams on 40, 20, 15 and 10 and dipoles for 80/75. a Saturday VE session, lots…
Yes, Swap & Sell will be at Show & Tell!
Here’s a chance to make money on your project. After you win one of the prizes put your hand crafted watchamcallit’ on the swap table and go home with to cash along with your prize 🙂 Or maybe find something on the table for your next creation? Once again the Swap & Sell table…
Meeting Topic Changed For Feb 5th’s Meeting
Due to a sudden work schedule change, John Kalotai will not be able to be our guest speaker this Friday. However the meeting is still taking place. Frandy Johnson (N1FJ) and Jim Mullen (KK1W) will be doing a presentation on their recent National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) adventures. We will also be discussing some…
HCRA BOD meeting notes for January 20th, 2016
HCRA BOD meeting notes for 20-Jan-2016 Attendees: President: NT1K Vice President: N1FTP Treasurer: NV1Q Membership: K1VOI Program Dir: W1AST ZB Editor: WA1MOW Tech Dir: K1YO Absent: At-Large: W1MOR Secretary: WM1B President Report: – Jim Mullen has volunteered to help out with updating our Website. – A Web Forum has been created at “members.hcra.org”. The site…
HCRA’s Amateur Radio License Class – April 2016
Hampden County Radio Assocation Amateur Radio License Class April 2016 Are you or do you know someone who’s interested in amateur radio? Do you want to upgrade your license? The Hampden Country Radio Association (HCRA) is holding classes and study groups for those interested. With a combination of these classes and at-home studying, it’s possible…
HCRA Meeting, January 8th 2016. Guest Speaker will be Jeff Jolie (NM1Y)
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Jeff (NM1Y) will not be able to make it to the meeting to give his presentation. However Jeff will be providing us with a DVD about the DXpedtion and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC) will still be there to hold an area meeting. Happy new year! HCRA is starting…
Show and Tell – April 2016
HCRA’S SHOW AND TELL 2016 – Friday April 1st, 2016 – THIS IS NOT A JOKE! The Hampden county radio association will be holding its annual show and tell on Friday, April 1st, 2016. This is where HCRA members can show off their amateur radio related projects. If you’ve been working on something over the…
Tis the season for Holiday Parties. This year HCRA and MTARA are putting together quite the feast for those who would wish to join us. We will be back at the wonderful steaming tender in Palmer MA on Monday, December 7th, 2015. Doors open at 6, Dinner starts at 7. Tickets will be just $20ea.…
Notes From Last Nights Meeting (DMR W/ Steve WA1ZEV)
Digital Mobile Radio Presentation (Presenter: Steve Shore WA1-ZEV, October 2, 2015 Hamden County Radio Association) ** Reference Material ** DMR Orientation: http://dmr-marc.net/media/Intro-DMR-2103.ppt http://dmr-marc.net/media/Amateur_Radio_Guide_to_DMR_Rev_I_20150510.pdf Network Providers: DMR-MARC (Motorola Amateur Radio Club) CT-ARES DMR Network (State of Connecticut State Police Amateur Radio Club) DCI (Digital Communications Interconnect) Popular Web Sites: http://www.dmr-marc.net/ (DMR-MARC) http://w1sp.org/ (W1SP- State of…