Thanks for dropping in! We’re the Hampden County Radio Association, an amateur radio club in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts.
With a membership of more than 130 amateur radio operators, or “hams,” we’re one of the largest radio clubs in New England. Our members have a wide range of interests, all connected by a common fascination with the science, art, and magic of wireless communication.

Maybe you want to learn more about emergency communication, or enjoy building and tinkering with electronics, or have a competitive streak and want to take part in local, national, and international radiosport contests, or are interested in experimenting with the very latest wireless technologies. Or maybe you’re just curious to see what this whole ham radio thing is about. Whatever brought you to this page, you belong here.

We meet in person on the first Friday of each month from September to June. Each meeting features either a presentation about a radio-related topic, or a special activity of some kind, such as our popular ham radio equipment auction in November and our “Show and Tell” meeting in April. Get all the details, including the themes of upcoming meetings and directions to the meeting room at Holyoke Medical Center, here.
In January and February, we hold several “Share the Knowledge” sessions on Zoom. These are deep dives into specific subjects, which anyone can attend from the comfort of their desk or couch. We also hold licensing classes and test sessions a few times a year, both in person and online, for anyone who wants to get or upgrade their ham radio license.
Past meetings and Share the Knowledge sessions, as well as other member-produced videos, are on our continuously growing Youtube channel. Here’s an alphabetical list of the whole collection for convenient searching.

Our monthly newsletter has been ranked as one of the best ham radio newsletters in New England. The current year’s issues are here; history buffs might want to check out the newsletter archive, which goes back to 1948.
If any of that sounds interesting, please drop us a line to find out more. Whether you’re just discovering ham radio or have been licensed for decades, we’d love to meet you. And if you’re ready to make it official, become a member. Our meetings are open to the public, but membership comes with a few additional perks and helps us fund our many activities. We look forward to welcoming you to the club.