Category: Field Day

  • Field Day 2024: Fun Despite the Weather

    The HCRA and the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club held our joint Field Day in School Street Park, Agawam, MA this past weekend. It was two days of fun, camaraderie, and displays of classic ham ingenuity and perseverance. Check out the gallery to relive the good times, or see what you missed if you weren’t…

  • Field Day with HCRA

    In just a few days, we’ll be setting up for our annual Field Day operation in School Street Park, Agawam. The HCRA station will be right behind the bandshell, north of the baseball diamond visible in the aerial image below. Setup starts at 13:00 EDT on Friday, June 21st. Field Day operation officially commences at…

  • Field Day 2022

            Field Day 2022 ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-airevent held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourthweekend of June of each year, thousands of radio amateursgather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to oper-ate from remote locations.Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice…

  • Field Day 2019 Page

    The page for the 2019 Field Day has moved from the main menu to the events menu. de Vanessa, W1IRL

  • Field Day Related

    Looking for 6 to 8 volunteers for Saturday, May 11th at 1pm to help re-organize the HCRA trailer, test cables and everything that needs testing. Need a few people that can lift too. This is prep for Field Day. Reply here or send me an email at W1AST@arrl.net Thanks and 73, Larry, W1AST

  • Thanks to all who helped make Field Day possible

    Hello Everyone ! I just wanted to take this opportunity to send a sincere THANK YOU! To all of you who participated in the HCRA Field Day 2018 exercise a short time ago … whether operating or helping with setup and/or any of the other dozens of tasks required to make it happen. While we…

  • HCRA is READY for Field Day – are YOU!

    About seven days from now HCRA will be blasting the airwaves with “CQ Field” day from School St. Park in nearby Agawam, MA. Our plans have solidified to a 5A operation, perhaps even 6A, the usual superb four towers with beams on 40, 20, 15 and 10 and dipoles for 80/75. a Saturday VE session, lots…

  • HCRA BOD meeting notes for January 20th, 2016

    HCRA BOD meeting notes for 20-Jan-2016 Attendees: President: NT1K Vice President: N1FTP Treasurer: NV1Q Membership: K1VOI Program Dir: W1AST ZB Editor: WA1MOW Tech Dir: K1YO Absent: At-Large: W1MOR Secretary: WM1B President Report: – Jim Mullen has volunteered to help out with updating our Website. – A Web Forum has been created at “members.hcra.org”. The site…

  • HCRA’s 250 Raffle – Win A Kenwood TS-590SG

    Win A Kenwood TS-590SG Tickets Just $10 EA   It’s that time for the Hampden County Radio Associations (HCRA) annual raffle. This year the board of directors wanted to raffle off a 100w base station transceiver. The Kenwood TS-590SG ($1700 Retail) was the perfect choice because it’s a very excellent radio packed with features that…

  • HCRA Trailer Day

    This past weekend some of your HCRA BOD members were hard at work getting the trailer in ready for field day! We’ve took almost everything out the trailer and made note of any damaged or missing items. We also partially assembled one of two WRTC TX-38 antennas that we’ve purchased to get a general idea…