Category: Contests
Twitter Is -Not- The Woodpecker Of Old…
Many of our older, Er, Ah, I mean…more experienced Hams in the club, may recall the “Russian Woodpecker”. Beginning around 1976 till around 1989 when it ceased, this powerful radio signal was heard world wide and when triangulated, the source was found to emanate from inside the Ukraine. Hence the name, the Russian Woodpecker. Twitter’s…
New England QSO Party – May 4th & 5th
From Tom/K1KI… The New England QSO Party is coming next weekend – May 4-5 – and we’ are always looking for more activity from Massachusetts. The NEQP is a great way to test your antennas on 80-10 meters and to be the focus of a lot of activity as stations from around the world look…
Get ready for the New England QSO Party May 4th & 5th.
Tom/K1KI sent the message copied below. Please take a moment to read it and hopefully you will be QRV in NEQP this year. Don’t forget, HCRA sponsors a beautiful plaque for high score, single op, Hampden County. I’ll bet it would look nice on the wall in YOUR shack! Here’s Tom’s message: I hope everyone…