Author: KK1W
September Zero Beat is live, on the web and in your email box
Don’t forget! Our first meeting of the new season is this Friday, September 7th. Read all about the meeting, upcoming raffles and more in the September issue of Zero Beat. Frandy once again has put together eight pages of HCRA and local interest for September. Enjoy!
From the Shack – September 2012
“Welcome back my friends…..” Welcome to the NEW HCRA – new meeting hall, new website, new raffle and more! I hope your summer has been interesting and exciting. Now, as the leaves begin to turn and there’s a bite of crisp autumn in the air, it is time to re-energize your activity in amateur radio!…
Help Wanted
Our club is looking for a few volunteers for the upcoming 2012/2013 season. Here’s a chance for you to give something back to your fellow club members. The pay is little (well actually none!) but the rewards are great. KX3 Raffle Coordinator As coordinator you would actively promote the raffle at HCRA meetings, local hamfests…
New KX3 Raffle – starts at the September 7th meeting!
We were one of the first clubs in the world to give away an Elecraft KX3 – and we’re doing it again! Tickets will be available starting September 7th during our kick-off meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. A $10 donation puts you in the running. Only 250 tickets will be available and the…
Treasurer’s Report – August 26, 2012
Income: Park Refund: $746.00 FD Raffle: $380.00 FD Food: $260.00 Membership: $15.00 Silent Auction: $87.00 Total Income: $1483.00 Expenses Hall Rent: $90.00 FD Parts: $21.23 Trailer setup food: $50.00 Crew Charter: $20.00 KX3 (long term raffle prize): $1026.80 Web Hosting: $88.00 Triplexer/bpf filters (Field Day): $670.85 Field Day Food: $500.00 Total Expenses: $2378.88 Starting Balance:…
KX3 from PEI
Yesterday I has the chance to set up the KX3 while vacationing on Prince Edward Island. Unfortunately the weather was not great but I managed to get an end fed wirestrung between two small pines and down to the deck. I heard a few summits but they couldn’t hear the little KX3 on the EFW.…
Dueling KX3’s on Dry Hill
Here’s Frandy/N1FJ making a CW contact with a KX3 on Dry Hill – W1/CR-003 on August 15th, 2012. Yep, dueling KX3’s? No, not really. We brought them both along but only used one at a time. Actually Frandy is using mine at the moment, his is the one further to the left on our ‘rock…
Palm Paddle on a KX3? No problem!
Well, I bit the bullet back in March, caved in and ordered a KX3 kit. It arrived August 9th via my friendly postlady and was on the air that evening. Overall the build process was painless – maybe 3.5 hours to complete without working very hard. One of the major reasons for purchasing the radio…
Preview our new meeting location!
Here’s some photographs that should get you ready for our first meeting at the Holyoke Medical Center. The auditorium is newly renovated, features seating for 100 guests, offers free wi-fi, podium with sound system, LCD projector, screen and sound system if needed, The site is fully accessible, rest room, drinking fountain and soda/juice vending machine…