Still looking for help at the MTARA hamfest this Saturday, March 1st

This request went out in the February issue of Zero Beat. To date I’ve only had one person ask, and he hasn’t been able to confirm his schedule. Time is getting short and the offer still holds. First person to commit to helping out this coming Saturday gets in free. It would really be nice if a few of our members stepped up and offered to help out. It’s a good time, you’ll get time to walk the aisle and maybe even sell the winning FT-857 raffle ticket!

Yes, that’s correct, this Saturday will also be your last chance to buy a ticket. There’s still some left, hope to see you there!



Visit the HCRA table at the MTARA Hamfest on March 1st
The FT-857 drawing will be held at noon!

Once again we will have a table at this fun event. While you’re browsing the aisles for that ‘have to have’ item please stop by the HCRA table and say hello. While you’re there you can pick up a raffle ticket for a Yaesu FT-857 transceiver. There are only 250 tickets being sold AND the drawing will be held at noon the day of the hamfest. You could leave a real WINNER – how cool is that?

Volunteer(s) are needed to staff our table at the hamfest. If you would like to help out contact me directly and I’ll get you scheduled. I have one free entry to the hamfest going to the first person to volunteer!


One response to “Still looking for help at the MTARA hamfest this Saturday, March 1st”

  1. Thanks to Laurie/KB1WQK, George/KC1V, Jeff/NT1K, Steve/N1SR and Frandy/N1FJ for volunteering to help out! We hope to see everyone at the Hamfest, be sure to stop by the HCRA table and say hello!

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