HCRA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 18-April-2018

HCRA Board of Directors meeting 18-April-2018
President – WM1B (Dave)
Vice President – OPEN
Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)
Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen)
Tech. Dir – K1YO (Bob)
Program Dir. – W1AST (Larry)
Membership – K1VOI (John)

Zero Beat Ed. – W1MOW (Gary)
At Large – KB1RXO (Karl)

——————————— Meeting Open at 7:10pm ———————
President Report:
• New keys are needed for the Field Day trailer, Bob will procure. BOB, K1YO to obtain
• NEQP is May 5 and 6. Will talk this up again and the new rules at Friday’s meeting.
• Progress has been made to fulfill elected positions. These include Vice President, Program Director, and Member at large. Names will be placed on the ballot.

Vice President Report:

Secretary Report:
• Nothing to report.

Treasurers Report:
– End of March Statement: (Please see below)

Program Director Report:
• May, ARRL, QST editor, Steve Ford, will talk about Ham radio and Solar Activity…
• Jun, Field Day
• Sep, Open
• Oct, DX Engineering
• Nov, ARRL Section Manager, Ray, KB1LRL

At Large Report:
• Nothing to report.

Membership Report:
– John, K1VOI and the Board are working on ways to tighten membership enrollment as well as expiration times and cross-checks of the membership database.
– Currently we have 67 paid members, 6 families, and 12 prospects.

Technical Director:
• For Field Day, Bob reported that there is an urgent need for help in obtaining equipment (radios, generators), a GOTA station, trailer transport, an alternate power station, activities for youths, and the need for a greeting table.
• Additional help is needed for tear down, band captains, operators, and equipment pre-test.

Zero Beat Editor:
• Nothing to report.

Old Business Postponed to MAY meeting

New Business
– The Board is looking into individual job descriptions to further each ones responsibilities and enhance the positions in bringing in and welcoming new members. To broaden the scope and widen perspectives in order to keep the Association in good standing for future growth and knowledge.
A First draft of Job descriptions was distributed for individuals to review and submit comments. A 2nd draft will be presented at the next mwwting.

Open Floor Discussion: (GOO – Good of the Order)
– For our next meeting, some topics of discussion will be:
o Field day results and issues
o More on job descriptions
o New positions
o Elections
o Improvements

Next Board of Director’s meeting will be on 23-May-2018.

——————————— Meeting Closed at 9:00pm ———————


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