HCRA Board of Directors meeting minutes for 06-April-2017

HCRA Board of Directors meeting 06-Apr-2017


President – NT1K (Jeff)

Vice President – WM1B (Dave)

Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)

Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen)

Program Dir. – W1AST (Larry)

Tech. Dir – K1YO (Bob)

Zero Beat Ed. – WA1MOW (Gary)

Membership – K1VOI (John)


At Large – KB1RXO (Karl)

——————————— Meeting Open at 7:13pm ———————

President Report:

  • A lot of work was done on the web site. It needed fixing as well as updates due to crashes. It appears we get about 50 visits per day.
  • A test was done on our Facebook page for possible advertising. The test had good results. More to follow as this item will be discussed again at a future BOD meeting.
  • Jeff has decided to step down as President due to work and family constraints. His reign will end June 2017. He will continue to be a member and help out when he can.

Vice President Report:

  • Nothing to report at this time.

Secretary Report:

  • Liability Insurance has been paid for the club. It is in effect from March 2016 to March 2017.

Treasurers Report:

  • The Treasurers report is available on request.

Program Director Report:

  • May 5th will be Steve Davidson, Mgr HRO, Salem, NH, Go Boxes
  • Jun 2nd, Elections and Field Day 2017.
  • Sep 1st, is TBD
  • Oct 6th, presentation on DXLabs
  • Nov 3rd, SWLing and Dxing
  • Dec, 4th, Holiday Party
  • Jan 5th, guest speaker via Skype from DX Engineering. (Jeff will be looking into a prepaid hotspot or alternative to handle the Skype data.)

At Large Report:

  • Although not present, Karl has been looking for a spike driver/removal tool for Field Day. Update: What about a post hole digger, and do we need a compressor and tooling for removal? Will this be too loud? This item has been tabled until the next BOD meeting.

Membership Report:

  • Currently there are 96 paid members.

Technical Director:

  • During the past few months, Bob has helped a few hams with antenna/station setup, testing, and answering questions.

Zero Beat Editor:

  • Zero Beat will now be published every other month starting in September. For the other months, a flier will be published with upcoming announcements and meetings.
    • In Favor-8
    • Apposed-0

Old Business:

  • License Class location: Jeff has found a Church in Enfield, CT where the classes can be held. Gary also suggested 205 Bridge Street in Suffield, CT.
  • Field Day:
    • Chris W1TRK will be tower Captain
    • Rockwell WW1X will be in charge of antenna assembly
    • CW Captains are Larry W1AST and Matt W1MSW
    • 75m and 15m captain is Larry KD1RV
    • 20m SSB captain is John KX1X
    • 40m SSB captain is Jeff NT1K
    • There will be a trailer clean-up in May. It also has a leak that needs repairing
    • Jeff informed us that we DO have the park again this year.
    • We need setup and teardown volunteers.
    • We need to invest in a car port for VE sessions, when it rains, when its hot etc. Dave will look into pricing and models.

– Welcome guide: Dave will look into updating the guide.

New Business:

  • The Holiday party is scheduled for December 4, 2017 (Monday) at the Caste of Knights in Chicopee from 7pm until 11pm the latest. A motion was called upon for Juergen to spend no more than $500 to reserve the Holiday Party.
    • In Favor-8
    • Apposed-0

– Tumblers. A request by Larry was made to order some tumblers for our guest speakers rather than take them out to supper. One vendor was found who will make the tumblers with our logo on them for $15 each but with a minimum order of 72 which comes to about $1080. We will see if we can get a sample. This item will also be brought up to the membership for approval.

– Patches: This item is on hold until there are more requests.

– Next Raffle item: Suggestions for the next raffle were an Elad FM Duo? Flex1500, a basic HF setup with rig, antenna and coax? This will be brought up to the membership for approval.

Open Floor Discussion:

  • Bob mentioned that the Field Day tool kits need to be replenished as well as purchase shorter lengths of coax, clamps for the 40m beam, and new locks for the trailer. A motion was made to determine what was needed and not to exceed $500.
    • In Favor-8
    • Apposed-0

– Larry will contact the recipient of the plague. We fear that the individual will not come to a meeting.

– Define “Lifetime Membership” in the Bylaws? A copy will need to be sent to the State of MA if any changes are made. Dave will be looking into this. This will be discussed again at the next BOD meeting.


——————————— Meeting Closed at 9:00pm ———————