WN1E brings home the HCRA Plaque for NEQP 2012!



Putting in a major effort last year Dave ‘brings home the gold‘ (or at least the plaque) for High Score, Single Operator in Hampden County. Battling it out with eleven other entries Dave’s 31,850 points almost doubled the next closest score of the W1NY club call operated by Ed/KB1NWH. Here’s Dave’s soapbox comment:

WN1E – Had a great time doing the contest this year.  Decided to put more effort into making cw contacts.  This really helped with the final score, and I was glad I put in the effort.  Thanks to all who were patient with me on the cw side.

Well said Dave and we hope you have a nice spot on the wall for your plaque!

Other HCRA highlights from last year’s NEQP:

1. HCRA came in fourth in the club competition. If you look at club logs submitted we came in third. Nice work folks.

2. HCRA’s WB1Z team achieved fourth place in the multi-single category. Operating from AA1YW’s vacation home in Vermont Dave/AA1YW, Matt/W1MSW, Frandy/N1FJ and Jim/KK1W racked up 120,428 points also landing them the highest score in Vermont.

3. The WB1Z team won the New England County Expedition Award.

Click here to see all the results from NEQP 2012. How did your score stack up?

What are your plans for NEQP 2013? It’s easy, it’s fun and since the contest takes a night time break from 1:00 AM to 9:00 AM Sunday morning you can actually get some sleep too! Take a few moments out of your busy schedule, get on the air and hand out some New England QSO’s. Like Matt/W1MSW said at Friday’s meeting, “we’re the DX for a change and other stations will be looking for us”. Click here to read the rules for this year’s contest.

Good luck and imagine how nice that HCRA plaque will look in your shack!



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