Get ready for HCRA ‘Show and Tell’ Friday, March 1st

It’s time to finish up that project you’ve been working on over the last year and bring it to the annual HCRA Show & Tell meeting in March. No project is too small or too big (but it does have to fit through the door). Do you have something that’s not finished, but close enough to be able to show your progress and explain? Well then bring it along. This is your chance to show your fellow club members what you’ve been working on and a chance for everyone listening to pickup some ideas for projects that might improve their shack. Maybe you’ve been working on a homebrew antenna, or maybe you built a kit, or automatic antenna switch. How about a portable station, a homebrew balun, or a modification to a radio that you came up with? No project is too simple or too complex
to bring to Show & Tell. However, you are going to have to explain it to everyone and bonus points will be given for keeping everyone awake! We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting. Prizes will be awarded (more details soon) and refreshments will be provided with donations appreciated. So pack up that project and come on down to the March 1st HCRA meeting @ 7pm and show your fellow hams what you’ve been up to! For more information, please contact Matt – W1MSW. w1msw@