HCRA Auction Returns in January – but ‘silently’!

Hey folks! We missed the auction this past November and it is always a fun event. Rather than wait a whole year we decided to hold an auction January 4th, but with a slight ‘twist’. Instead of a regular style auction we’re going to do it silently. How will this work out? We really don’t know but like anything else you don’t know until you try.

Do you have some extra stuff in your shack? Maybe you received a newer, better whatzit for the holidays and need space? Then the January ‘Silent Auction’ is for YOU!

Here’s how it is going to work:

The club will have a decent amount of donated items for sale. We will manage this just like silent auctions of the past, with a clipboard at each having a suggested resale value, a starting bid and bid increment. Here’s a list of of the items we have so far, check the January Zero Beat or the website for the latest version.

Radio Shack portable scanner
Radio Shack desk top scanner
Sony AM/FM/SW portable radio
Panasonic portable radio
CDE Ham II rotor
Mini Digital TV Stick
Circuit board set for an ARRL wattmeter
HP Netbook computer

Now for the fun part! The auction is open to the public and we invite everyone, member and non-member alike, to bring something to sell. It will be up to you, the seller, to manage your item. We have prepared a sample ‘silent bid sheet’ you can print out and use, download it by clicking here. Of course you can use a sheet of your own design too, the choice is yours.

Like everything else at HCRA, there’s only a few simple rules:

1. Bring your item(s) and place them on the tables provided.
2. Fill out a bid sheet and place it in front of your item.
3. Treat your area like a flea market table, hang nearby to answer any questions.
4. At the end of the auction the bid sheets will be collected and the winning bids announced.
5. If the final bid exceeds minimum (if you had one) you’re responsible for collecting from the high bidder and settling up the commission with our treasurer Dave/AA1YW
6. If the bid did not make minimum you can either take your item home or negotiate with the highest bidder. The choice is yours.

Items not allowed in the auction

CRT monitors
Computer printers
Stuff you wouldn’t pay a $1 for and really belongs in a dumpster 🙂

Complimentary coffee and donuts available (but donations accepted) for everyone attending. It should be a fun evening and we’re all looking forward to going home with some new toys!

Further information or questions? Contact Jim/KK1W via email or at 413-237-4666

Mark January 4, 2013 now for a fun evening!


One response to “HCRA Auction Returns in January – but ‘silently’!”

  1. Oops! Forgot to state the HCRA commission is the same as the regular auction: 10% of the selling price with a $1.00 minimum commission.