HCRA Board of Directors meeting 05-Sep-2018
President – WM1B (Dave)
Vice President – W1AST (Larry)
Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)
Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen)
Zero Beat Ed. – Open
Membership – K1VOI (John)
Program Dir. – Najm (AB1ZA)
At Large – Ron (AB1ZJ)
Technical Dir – K1YO (Bob)
——————————— Meeting Open at 7:00pm ———————
President Report:
- Dave (WM1B) is still looking into QSL card designs and will have the W1NY reassigned to a Board member.
- Paul (NF1G) will talk about a proposal as to how the club could sponsor a “pooling” procedure for member’s Outgoing QSL cards through the ARRL’s Outgoing QSL Service at the September meeting.
- Field Day went very well this year. Thanks to Bob (K1YO) and Larry (W1AST). Next year, plan earlier. The sub teams were critical this year.
- Reassignment of Trustee from WB1Z was discussed and the need for another Club Call in addition to W1NY was questioned. Dave (WM1B) will discuss with former BOD members and get their input. If the need is felt, a Trustee will be selected from the Board. The current Trustee would like to be removed as Trustee.
- We still need a Zero Beat Editor. The job is not difficult if we keep it simple.
- Ted (K3FEC) is now the Web Master for our Web site.
- Suggest we send out a post card to past-due members as a reminder to renew in mid-September.
- John (K1VOI) will be handling all incoming QSL cards
- A thank-you letter was received from Holyoke Hospital for our donation to use the conference room. The letter will be posted on our Web site.
Vice President Report:
- When a new person comes to our meetings, we, the BOD must make an effort to make that person feel welcome and begin to answer any questions they may have.
- What will we do about this years Holiday Party. Harold (N1FTP) will bring information as to what MTARA will be doing.
Secretary Report:
- Last months BOD minutes for approval: Motion: √ 2nd: √ Carried: Yes
- Both our 990-N (IRS 501C Tax Exempt Status) and our Annual Report have been sent out.
Treasurers Report:
– June-August Statement: (Please see below)
– Juergen (NV1Q) is looking into the removal of Jeff’s name from the PayPal our Bank account
Program Director Report:
- Sep, Najm (AB1ZA) Software defined radio using GNU radio
- Oct, DX Engineering
- Nov, ARRL Section Manager, Ray, KB1LRL
At Large Report:
- Nothing to report.
HCRA Financial Statement June-August 2018
Beginning Balance: $8,693.89
Ending Balance $6,728.95
ICOM rebate $100.00
Dues $20.00
Donation $23.97
Table $10.00
Donuts $29.50
Wear $267.00
Total: $450.47
Web Hosting $334.80
Boxboro Ad $125.00
Raffle Tickets $38.00
Wear $535.00
Field Day $718.86
Agawam P & R $300.00
Holyoke Hospital $300.00
Stamps $10.00
HCRA Mic Postage $3.75
Donuts $50.00
Total: $2,415.41
Expenses for Field Day 2018:
2 X uBITX radio kit $238.00 (May Statement)
K1YO $500.59
W1AST $109.28
NV1Q $9.99
W1LGU $23.97 (Donation)
Total: $932.89
Membership Report:
– Nothing more to add.
Technical Director:
– Not present
Zero Beat Editor:
– (Open)
Old Business
New Business
– After reviewing some newsletters from other hamradio clubs, other clubs are doing a lot more
for their membership and community. In future meetings there will be discussions on what we
add to our roster. Dave (Wm1B) indicated that we need to do more to become visible to the
community. He is looking for suggestions.
Open Floor Discussion: (GOO – Good of the Order)
Next Board of Director’s meeting will be on 03-October-2018.
Our next club meeting is 05-October-2018.
One response to “HCRA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – 05-Sep-2018”
From the September 5th BOD minutes, “Reassignment of Trustee from WB1Z was discussed and the need for another Club Call in addition to W1NY was questioned.”
The reason to hold the WB1Z call is precisely the same as W1NY – to honor a former club member that contributed greatly to HCRA and the surrounding amateur radio community. It’s really that simple.
A little history to some of our newer members. Jim Allen, the last holder of WB1Z before his untimely passing in 2004, was only 48 years old. Jim, first licensed in 1995 as N1RUT was extremely active in many aspects of ham radio and a solid contributor to HCRA for close to 10 years, Field Day was without a doubt his favorite activity. We (HCRA) discussed with his widow and it was her belief he would appreciate HCRA honoring him with a club call.
At the time HCRA held two club calls, W1NY and WB1HOF. WB1HOF was a vanity call HCRA used during the years when they held special event stations at the Basket Ball Hall of Fame. HCRA dropped the WB1HOF call and picked up WB1Z in 2006.
Since then WB1Z has been used at many club events and also by club members participating in ARRL club contests including the test stations for preparation of WRTC 2014. WB1Z/HCRA holds nine ARRL contest awards, many NEQP awards and more.
Reasons to keep a club call:
They honor a former club member.
They are fun to use at club events like Field Day.
They add stature to our club.
They cost nothing to hold or maintain.
In the case of WB1Z, it’s a vanity call and can’t be had again if HCRA changes it’s mind in the future.
If the only reason for dropping the call is because a lack of a Trustee it would be a short sighted reason. At the very least someone should be appointed Trustee even if WB1Z is just put ‘on the shelf’. There’s no going back if it’s dropped.