Who will claim the $100 distance prize? Please submit your entry as follows:

Submit your longest confirmed QSO to Jim Mullen via email or USPS by March 15th 2018
Email: kk1w.jim@gmail.com or USPS to 144 Tower Hill Rd, Brimfield, MA 01010
Enclose an SASE for return of any submitted cards
No need to submit cards unless you can’t copy or scan them. Use the tools linked in the original article to calculate your longest distance confirmation.
To keep things interesting it would be great if everyone who participated, whether or not you confirmed contacts or simply listened on the band, sends me the following:
1. Number of QSO’s made and if possible broken down by mode.
2. Longest QSO (unconfirmed or confirmed).
3. Brief station description (if I don’t already have it).
4. If SWL a brief overview of activity and mode.
Going forward prospective MF operators (630m & 2200m) can make use of this information an an indication of what to expect when they are QRV on Medium Frequency.
The prize will be awarded along with a quick overview of activity at our April 6th meeting. This is also our Show & Tell meeting. Why not enter something you built for 630m? Maybe you can go home with multiple prizes
Many thanks to everyone participating. You folks are pioneers on a new amateur band. Exciting stuff our hobby and our club, keep up the good work!