Board Meeting Minutes 11/5/2013

HCRA Board of Directors Meeting
November 5th, 2013

Location: West Springfield, MA
Time: 7:00 PM
Present: KK1W, KB1NWH, AA1YW, K1YO, N1FJ, N1KXR, Kx1x, W1MSW


Vice President – KB1NWH
Membership Report: 64 Regular, 3 Life, 8 Family = 75 Total
Helped Bob/K1YO erect his tower

Treasurer – AA1YW
Current financial report: $8817.00
Status of WRTC Sales: $4775.00 sold to date
Status of FT857 raffle: 88 tickets sold to date
We have one returned check for $15 and associated fees. Dave is looking into a resolution.

Secretary – N1MFL – Not Present
Mail pickup schedule for the next month to ensure we capture any/all holiday party payments
All minutes need to be posted to the website and categorized as “meeting minutes”


Technical – K1YO
Tech Corner appears to be a great success – All board members and meeting attendees have given this program a big ‘thumbs up!’

Zero Beat, N1FJ
Silent auction – good activity so far and it will continue based on these successes
Zero Beat seems to be getting good articles – reasons? – More interest in publishing, perhaps more advertising for articles helped too.
Frandy will be out of twon 11/25 to 12/2 and requests all articles be submitted by 11/20 for the December issue.

Membership – N1KXR
Membership Report, how many Regular, Family, Life and Prospect members at this time (see count above under KB1NWH)

At Large – Kx1x
Date and location announced and published in Zero Beat and on the website. This will be a Technician Class and both a General and Extra ‘study group’ – similar to last year’s successful venture. The location is the HMC Auxiliary Conference Center and will comprise two Monday night classes and an all day Saturday class with subsequent VE session. As always John is looking for volunteer instructors/leaders for all three classes.

Program – W1MSW

CW training class update – tabled for the time being.
Comments on the last two presentations (Hamsource and POTA) – Both meetings were well attended and interesting.

Meeting Calendar:
   January: Fred/K1VR on legal aspects of antenna/tower erection
February: Fred/AB1OC on Dxpedition to Bora Bora
March: Show & Tell – Promotion will start in January 2014
   April: – OPEN
May:  Chuck/ARRL on the ARRL’s “Intruder Watch” program
June: Field Day planning, N1MM workshop, elections

   Holiday Party planning report (Kx1x & KK1W) – On track for a good turnout again this year.
Status of proposed ‘cloud’ database (NT1K & KK1W) – In progress, no firm completion date at this time.
Remember Jeff/NT1K is our webmaster – Jeff should receive all website suggestions/password problems etc.
WB1DBY held a foxhunt on November 3rd with good success.
Bruce/KB1TLX has reported the coffee/donut bar has finally reached ‘break even’ status and will continue.
   Dave/N1MFL advised the board of his resignation due to lack of time to devote to the position. The board accepted his resignation and thanks him for his two years of hard work and good ideas. For the meantime the position will remain open. We will ask the membership for a volunteer to finish out Dave’s term. Until a volunteer is found Ed/KB1NWH will take over the database and USPS pickup and Jim/KK1W will take the minutes.

Matt/W1MSW and Ed/KB1NWH will once again head up Field Day in 2014. We will be returning to School St. Park in Agawam once again. Matt is also working on a FD execution guide and Band Captain manual following the successful format of the WRTC manuals.

2013/2014 Board Meeting Dates
January 7th
March 11th
May 6th
June 10th

Respectfully submitted by Jim Mullen/KK1W