Here’s some links that will give you additional information discussed at our November 2nd meeting (SOTA and portable operation). Thanks everyone for attending, I hope you enjoyed the meeting and the refreshments. Don’t forget to purchase your Holiday Party ticket!
The photo on the left is from this summer’s activation of Mt. Mansfield by Frandy and me. You couldn’t ask for a more spectacular day. Don’t you wish you were with us? You can be, just ask! We’re always willing to help out with advice, equipment loans or if you want to tag along on our next activation – it’s more fun when you get to share!
SOTA – Main website and SOTA information
SOTAwatch – See current and upcoming activations.
HobbyKing – Good source for Lipo batteries and chargers. Great prices, I’ve had good results with them so far. They have a USA warehouse, be sure to look there first (faster)
Batteryspace – Source for LiFePO4 batteries and chargers.
Elecraft – USA manufacturer of fine transceivers, including the KX3
Jackite – Good quality kite poles for antenna supports