NE1SJ & WA1J head to the ‘nocks’ for a ‘threefer’

Saturday, September 22nd Frandy/N1FJ, Nick/K1MAZ and I will be heading the the Monadnocks in southern New Hampshire to activate two, maybe three summits. Look for us masquerading behind the calls of NE1SJ and WA1J starting around noon local time.

The plan is still liquid and the final determination of which peak is first, do we split into two (or even three) teams won’t be finalized until we’re at the first summit. To tell the truth we’re not 100% sure of even the first summit but we do have a plan.

The first summit to be activated will be Pack Monadnock, W1/HA-041 at noon (1600z). All three of us should be operating under both calls. CW on 40 and 20 meters, SSB on 20 and perhaps FM on 2 meters.Following our plan we will split the team up at the peak. Frandy and I will hike south to Holt Peak, W1/HA-181 and Nick will hike north to North Pack Monadnack, W1/HA-203. After activating  SOTA Pops and I will hike back down to the car, Nick continue north  to a road north of North Pack and will be hoping we get there about the same time with the car to pick him up.

Let’s be honest, this is a pretty complex plan for a bunch of Jerks but we’re going to try to pull it off. Look for Frandy and Jim on Holt about 2:30 PM (1830z) on 40 CW and 20 phone and CW. Nick will be QRV on North Pack about the same time, on 20 SSB and 2 meter FM. Equipment will consist of KX3’s, FT-100 transceivers, dipoles and EFW (end fed wire) antennas At least one 2M HT running APRS rounds out the pack..

Keep an eye on SOTAwatch2 for our spots and check the 1830 alerts for any changes. You can follow our progress on APRS! Click here and enter either KK1W-7 or K1MAZ-5 in the search box. If we’re up and squawking our position you will see us displayed on the map. Too lazy to find out where to point your beam? From the Springfield, MA area north east should put you in the ballpark. We’ll be looking for you to fill up our logs. Watch the website for updates on our trip.



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