HCRA members can purchase some very stylish clothing and accessories, complete with their callsign alongside the name and logo of their favorite ham radio club.
To order your items, simply mail or email your order to HCRA. If paying by check, please make out to HCRA for the correct amount. Your order should include the quantity, callsign, and size of items being ordered and of course your name, address and telephone number.
For Name Badges please provide Call, Name, Town you live in, ARRL logo (yes or no). Also indicate if it is for the spouse or the member. Payment can be cash at a meeting or by check. If by check, please make out to HCRA for the correct amount. Your order will be placed and can be picked up at the next club meeting. All shirts and vests are special order and must be prepaid.
If ordering via email send your order to Larry at wb1dby@gmail.com. Please follow up your order with a check mailed to the address below, as all shirts are special order and must be prepaid.
For all orders, make a check payable to HCRA for your total and mail to:
Larry Krainson – W1AST
100 Kenmore Drive
Longmeadow, MA 01106-2759

Name badges are $13.
The prices on the following items change frequently, so please email Larry to get the current price before ordering.