Category: Hamfest

  • HamXposition in August

    The Northeast HamXposition is coming up in August in Marlborough, MA. It promises to be a major event, as you can see from the flyer below. Make your plans now!

  • Swap And Sell Is Now Back!

    HCRA’s Swap And Sell Is Now Back With thanks to George (KC1V), Paul (NF1G) and Jim (KK1W), the HCRA swap and sell is now back. At our monthly meetings, we will have few tables setup for the members to sell amateur or electronic related items. You may never know what deals may show up at…

  • NEAR-Fest: May 1st and 2nd, 2015

    From: W1RC, MisterMike To: All for Immediate Release Dear Friends of NEAR-Fest: It is with great regret and sadness that I must inform the radio amateurs and electronic hobbyists of New England that the NEAR-Fest Board of Directors finds it necessary to POSTPONE the FreeFest aspect of NEAR-FEST XVII that was scheduled for May 2015. …