

Article I

1. Any person of good moral character may become a member of the Corporation by a majority vote of the Directors, providing a candidate for membership shall first present an application to an officer of the Corporation for consideration.

2. Any member of the Corporation who holds a valid amateur radio operators license shall be a Regular Member of the Corporation, entitled to vote at meetings of the Corporation and hold office therein. All others shall be Members with the right to vote, but without the right to hold office.

Article II

1. At the first and subsequent annual meetings of the Corporation there shall be elected for one (1) year terms by majority vote of members present thereat, a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary who shall also be and have powers of Directors and at the first and subsequent annual meetings there shall likewise be elected five (5) Directors for a one (1) year term. The Directors shall have the following responsibilities.

A. Technical Director: Will have the responsibly for all technical aspects of the Corporation to include but not limited to RFI problems.

B. Program Director: Will select guest speakers for general Corporation meetings.

C. Membership Director: Shall actively recruit new members at times and places of their discretion, and represent the Corporation in a manner to create growth of the organization.

D. Newsletter Director: Will have the responsibility to write and publish the Corporation newsletter

E. Director at Large: Shall assist any corporate Directors as deemed necessary.

2. The President shall preside at all board and general meetings of the Corporation and at all other corporate functions.

3. The Vice-President shall, during the absence of the President, perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the President.

4. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due the Corporation and shall disburse the same according to the will of the Directors. The Treasurer shall keep accurate books and records of all of transactions and shall publish monthly financial reports to the membership. The Treasurer shall perform all other functions normally necessary and required of the position.

5. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the Corporation and of its Directors, shall maintain a directory of the membership, shall be responsible for all notices and correspondence as may be required and necessary and shall do all other things necessary and required of the position.

6. The Directors shall have general charge of all business and activities of the Corporation, shall hold such meetings as may be necessary, shall approve all disbursements of the Corporation, shall determine the form of application for membership in the Corporation and reject or approve applicants for membership, shall fill vacancies occurring in any office of the Corporation and shall do all other things expedient in carrying out the objects and purposes of the Corporation.

Article III

1. Annual meetings of the Corporation shall be held during the month of June of each year.

2. Regular meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place to be designated by the Directors. The Directors may choose not to hold a monthly meeting by majority vote.

3. Special meetings shall be called by the President on the request of any ten Regular Members in good standing and shall call special meetings of the Directors on the request of any four Directors.

4. Members shall be given not less than four days notice of the time and place of regular meetings to be scheduled for a time and place by the Directors and they shall be given a like notice of all special meetings with a statement as to the purpose thereof.

Article IV

1. A quorum at regular, special and annual meetings of the Corporation shall consist of fifteen percent of the Regular Members in good standing and at a meeting of the Directors a quorum shall consist of five Directors.

2. A Regular Member or a Member of the Corporation in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at meetings of the Corporation.

Article V
Dues and Disbursements

1. Dues shall be payable on September one in each year. Any member in arrears shall not be considered in good standing and may be suspended from membership by majority vote of the Directors.

2. The Directors shall determine an annual schedule of dues by majority vote. All members shall be given not less than four days notice of the annual dues schedule prior to September one of each year.

3. The Directors for good cause may, in their discretion, remit the dues of any member otherwise in good standing.

4. The dues schedule must be presented to the applicant upon their application for membership in the Corporation. The Directors shall determine the applicants or members eligibility to the selected dues schedule.

5. All disbursements of the Corporation shall be approved by a majority vote of the Directors. All disbursements in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) shall also be approved by a majority vote of the membership at a general meeting of the Corporation.

Article VI

1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members in good standing and present at a meeting of the Corporation, of which all members shall have had four days notice of the time and place of said meeting and of the subject matter of the amendments proposed.

Article VII

1. None of the officers or members of the Corporation shall subject the Corporation to obligations or liabilities beyond its ability to pay therefore from its funds and properties.

2. There shall be no assessments levied against any members of the Corporation unless and until a majority of the members at a meeting of the Corporation shall vote said levy, and unless all members shall have had four day notice of the time and place of said meeting and of the subject matter of the assessment proposed.

3. Any club call sign trustee shall serve at the pleasure of the Corporation Directors and under the direction of the President of the Corporation.

 Revised and ratified at the March 5th, 2010 club meeting.