Author: Webmaster
Meeting In Person Again!
From our president: Starting for the September 9th HCRA meeting, we will be meeting in person once again! We will be returning to the Holyoke Hospital Auxiliary Room where we have zero restrictions on the number of people.
Welcome to Our New VP
Please welcome Ez, W1AEZ to the position of VP on the HCRA Board. Ez replaces Bill, W5JAZ as VP. Bill accepted a position in Dallas, Texas. We wish both Bill and Ez great success at their respective new roles. de W1IRL.
Field Day 2022
Field Day 2022 ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-airevent held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourthweekend of June of each year, thousands of radio amateursgather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to oper-ate from remote locations.Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice…
Annual Show and Tell – April 2022 Meeting
Show and Tell – Annual meeting for club members to present projects they worked since the prior Show and Tell Video 2022 Show and Tell Video Link Accompanying Documents KC1IKA, Smitty’s project accompanying PDF. Printable copy- KC1IKA’s HF Winlink Portable Station documentation – PDF Version Read the PDF for KC1IKA’s project documentation online. Hover over…