Author: Webmaster

  • New – DMR Information Page

    We have information to get you started with DMR, or are simply interested in knowing more about it. Please visit our DMR page.  You can also access the page from the main menu by hovering on the Tech Talk menu and clicking on DMR. As of today you can read a pdf guide to DMR…

  • 10m Net – Net Control Volunteers Needed

    We want to revive the weekly Monday 10m net. As a reminder, 10m is within the privileges of all classes of license amateurs, including Technicians. Volunteers are needed for net control functions. The more volunteers, the greater the spreading of the workload can be. Please contact Vanessa at or Larry at I will…

  • Message from Our Section Emergency Coordinator – April 19, 2019

    Hello, fellow Western Massachusetts Radio Amateurs !! I’m sending this email to both introduce myself and to update you on my plans to revitalize the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program within our Section. My name is Bob Meneguzzo, K1YO, from Southwick MA, and I’m your new Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) for the five counties…

  • Field Day Related

    Looking for 6 to 8 volunteers for Saturday, May 11th at 1pm to help re-organize the HCRA trailer, test cables and everything that needs testing. Need a few people that can lift too. This is prep for Field Day. Reply here or send me an email at Thanks and 73, Larry, W1AST

  • Fox Hunt Share the Knowledge Session – Registration Deadline

    From Larry, Wednesday, April 10th is the very last day to sign up and pay for the Fox Hunt Share the Knowledge session being held on Saturday, April 27th from 10 to 4 (we’ll be done earlier). Contact Harold, N1FTP or Larry, W1AST to reserve your spot now. After April 10th you won’t be able…

  • Swap and Sell – April Meeting

    Reminder from Larry, W1AST regarding the meeting this Friday, April 5, 2019. Don’t forget to bring in any old gear that you want to get rid of. Rob, KC1KCF will be getting there at 7 to get setup as long as someone let’s him in  looking forward to seeing everyone as he missed the last meeting. Bring…

  • Schedule Change – DMR on May

    The presentation for May’s meeting  has changed. Timothy, KA2A is coming up from NJ to speak and give a demo on DMR and hotspots. DMR is something that is starting to take off. As Timothy is coming from so far to deliver his presentation, lets all be present at that meeting. Mark your calendar today…

  • ARRL Podcast for New Hams

    “ARRL is launching a new bi-weekly podcast geared to those who are just getting started on their Amateur Radio adventure. Whether you’re new to the hobby or looking to get back on the air after an absence, we know that you’ve got lots of questions.” So Now What?   Thanks to Jim, KK1W for…

  • ARRL Membership

    The ARRL  has many benefits for its members. We ask you to consider also joining that organization. Your membership is at an additional cost to the HCRA membership. By clicking on the following link you can see many of the benefits available to ARRL members and join or renew your membership from the link: ARRL…