Last Chance for Holiday Party FUN !!!

If you missed the December 1 deadline we are extending it until tomorrow (December 3rd) at 8:00 PM. You need to contact either Marty, Diane or myself via telephone, email, or Facebook with your desires. We will put you on the list and you can pay ‘at the door’ of the Steaming Tender on December 9th.

You can reach me at 413-237-4666 most anytime.

Please remember you ARE committing to purchasing a ticket – even if you don’t go so be sure before you call

More info about the joint HCRA/MTARA holiday party in the link below – just in case you/ve been out of town or under a rock somewhere!


One response to “Last Chance for Holiday Party FUN !!!”

  1. We still have room for a few more. If you’ve held off and feel you have missed the deadline don’t worry, we have you covered.

    Please contact either Marty or myself here on facebook, email or by phone and we will reserve a spot for you. It’s too nice a party to miss – so don’t!!!

    You can reach me most anytime at 413-237-4666,on facebook or via email at

    See you all Monday @ 6:00 PM at the party!!!

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