Events and Meetings

All general meetings start at 7:00 pm, in the Holyoke Medical Center Auxiliary Conference Room. The social portion is at 7:00pm, and the main presentation starts at 7:30 pm. General meetings are on Fridays, usually the first Friday of the month.

Share the Knowledge Sessions (STKs) are on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 7:00pm on Zoom unless otherwise noted. To connect to a specific STK via Zoom, click on the corresponding STK title in the meeting list below.

Special Events and Classes

June 22-23: Field Day in School Street Park, Agawam. Sign up here!

Event Calendar

General Meetings and STKs

2024,2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 ,2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014


Jan. 5, 2024:      Winter Field Day, by Marvin Turner, W0MET.

Jan. 9, 2024:     STK: All about Raspberry Pi, by Aaron Addison, KF1G.

Jan. 23:              STK: All about D-Star, compared to DMR and Fusion, by Terry Stader, K8SCP.

Jan. 30:              STK: All about WRTC 2023 in Italy, by Dennis Egan, W1UE.

Feb. 2, 2024:      APRS, digital and modern packet, by Gary Fields, AA1UE.

Feb. 8:              STK: Everything about End Fed Antennas, by Greg, WA1JXR.

Feb. 22:              STK: Linux and Ham Radio, by Andy, KB1OIQ.

Mar. 1, 2024:      Recovering and repurposing weather balloon radiosondes, by W0MXX.

Mar 12:              STK: 1st time at the New England Forest Rally , by Phil Lord, K1PRA.

Apr. 5, 2024:      The annual HCRA Show and Tell is back once again! Enter your projects, kits or whatever and win prizes!

May 3, 2024:      Adventures in the POTA and SOTA world by Mindy, KM1NDY.

Jun. 7, 2024:      Elections, Field Day prep, and more. Please consider running for a Board of Directors position.

Sep 6, 2024:      AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network), by Orv Beach, W6BI.

Oct 4, 2024:      3D printing for Ham Radio projects by Jeff Bail, NT1K.

Nov 1, 2024:      HCRA’s annual in person auction. Ham Radio Gear and Related Accessories Only! Absolutely NO computers, monitors, or PC parts!

Dec 9, 2024: Our annual Holiday Party at The Steaming Tender in Palmer, MA.



Fri Jan 6, 2023:             The New England Forest Road Rally by Tim Carter, W3ATB, ZOOM LIVE & in-person!

Tue Jan 17, 2023:           STK – All About Reverse Beacons & What They Do, By Peter Smith, N4ZR

Tue Jan 24, 2023:           STK – 9 Band DXX on a Small Lot, By Mark, KE1IU

Fri Feb 3, 2023:             Amelia Earhart Expedition and Radio Communications Used at the Time by Tom Vinson, NY0V

Tue Feb 21, 2023:         STK – part 1 – Inexpensive tools for the ham operator by Bob, K1YO Zoom

Tue Feb 28, 2023:         STK – part 2 – Inexpensive tools for the ham operator by Bob, K1YO Zoom

Fri Mar 3, 2023:            Guest Speaker to be announced

Tue Mar 14, 2023:         STK – A Modern Guide to Radio Teletype (RTTY), By Juergen, MV1Q

Tue Mar 28, 2023:         STK – The YLRL (Young Ladies Radio League), By Barbara, KC1KGS
and Anne, WB1ARU

Fri Apr 7, 2023:             Show and Tell, Enter your projects and win prizes!

Tue Apr 11, 2023:         STK – The ARRL and You

Fri May 5, 2023:           Guest Speaker to be announced

Fri Jun 2, 2023:            Elections, Field Day Prep and More. Please Consider Running for a Board Position

Fri Sep 8, 2023:        All types of wire antennas By Bob Glorioso, W1IS, and Bob Rose, KC1DSQ

Fri Oct 6, 2023:        Special Guest Speaker – WWLP Channel 22’s meteorologist, Adam Strzempko, W1AJS

Fri Nov 3, 2023:        HCRA’s Annual Auction is Back in-Person at the November Meeting! Ham Radio Gear and Related Accessories Only! Absolutely no computers, monitors, or PC parts

Dec 5, 2023:        Annual HCRA Holiday Party at The Steaming Tender Restaurant



Fri Jan 7, 2022:            Power & Go Box Design & Construction by Charlie, KC1IKA.

Fri Feb 4, 2022:           Ken, WO1N, from the Yankee Clipper Contest Club aka YCCC

Fri Mar 4, 2022:           The New England Forest Rally by Paul, W1SEX  History of Radio

Tue Mar 22, 2022:        SOTA – What is it and how to get started? , by Harold, N1FTP Zoom 

Fri Apr 1, 2022:           Show and Tell Zoom

Tue Apr 5, 2022:          W1 QSL Bureau, What is it and what you need to know, by Eric, KV1J  Zoom 

Tue Apr 19, 2022:        Using Propagation Prediction Software By Denis, W1UE Zoom

Tue Apr 26, 2022:         Tom, K1KI will talk all about NEQP Zoom

Fri May 6, 2022:           Intro to Antenna Modeling by WA1JXR Zoom

Fri Jun 3, 2022:          Elections and Field Day Zoom

Fri Sep 9, 2022:         K3LR Super-station by Tim Duffy, K3LR (In person meeting)

Fri Oct 7, 2022:         Remote Ham Radio by Rockwell, WW1X (In person and via ZOOM Link Here)

Fri Nov 4, 2022:         HCRA’s Annual Auction: Ham Radio Gear and Related Accessories ONLY! NO Computers, Monitors or PC Parts!

Mon Dec 5, 2022:         Annual HCRA Holiday Party at The Steaming Tender Restaurant

Fri Jan 6, 2023:         TBD

Fri Feb 3, 2023:         TBD

Fri Mar 3, 2023:         TBD

Fri Apr 7, 2023:         TBD

Fri May 5, 2023:         TBD

Fri Jun 2, 2023:         Elections, Field Day Prep and More. Consider running.



Jan 8, 2021: Very Cool Awards Anyone Can Earn by Harold, N1FTP.

Feb 5, 2021: Fox Hunting Techniques and Gear Used as presented by members of the CT Fox Hunters Group.

Mar 5, 2021: What is ClubLog and What can You Do With It?.

Apri9, 2021: Show and Tell is Back, get your projects ready!

May 7, 2021: Talking to the ISS by, KB1MDS Mariusz Zielinski

Jun 4, 2021: Elections, Field Day and more

Sept 10, 2021: Everything You Need to Work Satellites by Gary Thomas, AA1UE

Oct 1, 2021: Building a Solid Future for Ham Radio by Fred Kemmerer, AB1AOC /p>

Nov 5, 2021: Everything you Need to Know About YouTube and POTA by Bob, N1NUG</span

Dec 6, 2021: Holiday Party at the Steaming Tender, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm



January 3, 2020: Bob Hassett; KB1IVG of the Springfield Emergency Preparedness EOC.
7:00 pm mini share the knowledge session – Vanessa, W1IRL Antenna Analyzer Basics

February 7, 2020: The Return of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service in Western Mass by Bob, K1YO.
7:00 pm mini share the knowledge session – Local Repeaters, UHF/VHF operations by Harold, N1FTP.

March 6, 2020: Skywarn and how important wx tracking is to ham radio by Rob Macedo, KC1DY.
7:00 pm mini share the knowledge session – Putting Together a Basic HF Station by W1IRL

April 3, 2020: CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS Restrictions.

May 1, 2020: (tentative) Marty Sullaway, NN1C: Team Exuberance – teens and contesting

June 5, 2020: Elections, Field Day and more

Sep 11, 2020: Show and Tell, get your kits/builds ready!

Oct 2, 2020: How to begin contesting by Matt, W1PY

Nov 6, 2020: SDR Demo & the Flex radio by Jeff, NT1K

Dec 4, 2020: Virtual Holiday Party with Guest Speaker Fred Hoppengarten, K1VR. The New England ARRL Director will be speaking and answering questions afterwards.



January 2019: Najm, AB1ZA – EZ-NEC and Antenna Modeling and Design Software

February 2019: Grounding and Bonding presentation by DX Engineering via Skype

March 2019: John Ellsworth from the Vintage Radio Museum

April 2019: Show and Tell

May 2019: Timothy, KA2A: Talk and demo on DMR and hotspots. He is coming from NJ.

June 2019: Elections and Field Day 2019

September 2019: Ted Robinson, K1QAR: All you want to know about Magnetic Loops

October 2019: Rich Collins, K2UPS: A night of CW. Rich will speak to us about the group he helped to start, the Long Island CW Group and also show some of his key collection.

November 2019: 7:30 pm Jeff, K1ZM: The Amazing Transatlantic Feat of 1901 by Marconi via Skype from PEI.
7:00 pm mini share the knowledge session – Charlie, KC1IKA VHF/UHF Small Go-Box.

December 2019: Holiday Party



January 2018: canceled due to extremely cold weather

February 2018: Lightning Protection by Parker Willard of the Boston Lightning Rod Company – NO SHOW – impromptu meeting

March 2018: Jeff bail, NT1K: Digital and specifically FT8 modes

April 2018: Show and Tell

May 2018: Steve Ford, WB8IMY on the Sun and how it affects our Propagation

June 2018: Elections and Field Day

September 2018: Najm, AB1ZA SDR design

October 2018: DX Engineering Presentation K3EL’s Contest Station via skype

November 2, 2018: Ray KB1LRL, WMA Section Manager

December 2018: Holiday Party



January 2017: January 6, Remote Ham Radio by Rockwell Schrock

February 2017: John Kolatai from hamsource.com

March 2017: Dick Frey, WA2AAU from the Weak Signal Group – VHF and Beyond. What is out there?

April 2017: Show and Tell

May 2017: Steve Davidson, K1SMD from HRO to talk on Go Boxes

June 2017: Elections and Field Day

September 2017: World Wide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) by Rich Laviolette, KC1AEO

October 2017: Dave Bernstein, AA6YQ: Author of DX Lab Suite

November 2017: Harold, N1FTP: “SWLing and DXing, Yesterday and Today”

December 2017: Holiday Party



January 2016:       Jeff, NM1Y – The Navassa Island Dxpedition

February 2016:     Jim, KK1W and Frandy, NF1J on NPOTA

March 2016:         Gary Thomas, AA1UE on portable Satellite communications

April 2016:           Show and Tell

May 2016:            Jon Perelstein, WB2RYV: How to Report Weather & How to Properly Read Your Weather App  

June 2016:            Election and Field Day planning with President Jeff, NT1K

September 2016:   Tony Brock-Fisher, K1KP – Solar Power and RFI, what you need to know,

October 2016:       Hanz Busch, W1JSB to speak and demo his Radio, Set, Go portable radios.

November 2016:    Dennis Markel, N1IMW – The history of WCC and Chatham Marconi Radio.

December 2016:    Annual Holiday Party



January 2015: QRP DX-Pedition by Scott, NE1RD

February 2015: W1 QSL Buro by Eric, KV1J

March 2015: Show and Tell

April 2015: High Altitude Ballooning and Ham Radio by Larry Palmer, NW1X

May 2015: Speaker Design by Steve, K1RF

June 2015: Elections and Field Day Plans

September 2015: EME by Fred Stephanic, N1DPM

October 2015: DMR Digital Radio by Steve Shore, WA1ZEV

November 2015: Joe Chapman, NV1W – Bicycle Mobile HF

December 2015: Holiday Party



September 2014: Matt; Jim and Eric on Field Day and WRTC

October 2014: Bob, W1FDR on Fox Hunting and ARDF

November 2014: Scanning Today and Scanners by Alex Lentini, Lentini Communications

December 2014: HCRA Holiday Party at The Steaming Tender
