HCRA Clublog Challenge 2016 Winners Are In

HCRA like to encourage on air activity from our members. We compete in a few contests and challenges every year. This year HCRA participated in the “Clublog Challenge”. The goal was to make as many contacts with as many countries or entities throughout the year. At the end of the year, we would tally up the results and hand out certificates to everyone involved. We used a service called Clublog. Approved HCRA members would periodically upload their log files to clublog where DXCC contacts are sorted and by each band, overall unique DXCC contacts and the sum of unique DXCC contacts on each band. It proved to be very successful in 2015 so we did it again in 2016. We now have 25 HCRA members participating in the year long event.


DXCC,NU1O (248),NF1G (229),NV1Q (199)
SLOTS,NU1O (882),NF1G (737),KK1W (720)

Congrats to Christopher Scibelli (NU1O), Paul Kelliher (NF1G), Juegren Malner (NV1Q) and James Mullen (KK1W)

Band Winners Are

160,KK1W (80),K1NZ (26),WD1S (15)
80,KK1W (87),NV1Q (71),K1NZ (67)
60,K1NZ (21),NU1O (4),KK1W (2)
40,NU1O (190),KK1W (120),W1MSW (109)
30,NF1G (102),NU1O (84),KK1W (37)
20,NU1O (211),NV1Q (134),N1FTP (127)
17,NF1G (186),NU1O (93),AB1WT (71)
15,NU1O (127),KK1W (121),NF1G (119)
12,NF1G (88),W1MJB (26),NU1O (24)
10,KK1W (92),NU1O (75),NV1Q (73)
6,NU1O (2), W1AST (2),

Thank you to those who participated. Certificates are available to all those who participated in 2016 at the next meeting. Hopefully we can do this again in 2017 and put some incentives to get members on the air.

If you’re an HCRA member and you are interested in participating in the Clublog challenge, We’ve setup a step-by-step guide in how to become a clublog member.

Overall Results

1,NU1O,5,67,4,190,84,211,93,127,24,75,2,248,882,29 yrs
2,NF1G,0,18,0,75,102,110,186,119,88,39,0,229,737,2 yrs
3,NV1Q,9,71,0,86,24,134,54,118,19,73,0,199,588,38 yrs
4,KK1W,80,87,2,120,37,126,38,121,16,92,1,185,720,41 yrs
5,N1FTP,0,4,0,40,0,127,12,79,0,30,1,150,293,8 yrs
6,W1MSW,0,51,0,109,5,114,18,108,1,47,0,149,453,6 yrs
8,W1AST,0,16,0,43,1,93,51,51,3,37,2,131,297,8 yrs
7,K1VOI,0,11,0,42,14,96,34,84,8,32,0,131,321,16 yrs
9,AB1WT,0,18,0,33,0,76,71,49,13,22,1,125,283,3 yrs
10,N1HM,1,4,0,25,0,92,26,45,4,10,0,124,207,2 yrs
11,KX1X,1,30,0,59,4,66,10,86,0,57,0,115,313,19 yrs
12,K1NZ,26,67,21,86,6,52,11,48,1,11,0,113,329,6 yrs
13,N1AW,0,12,0,25,5,70,9,22,1,6,1,101,151,3 yrs
14,W1MJB,0,11,0,10,13,39,50,34,26,8,1,97,192,14 yrs
15,WD1S,15,34,0,57,4,74,2,36,0,23,1,95,246,5 yrs
16,AB1XW,0,5,0,44,0,84,0,68,0,9,0,95,210,4 yrs
17,WN1E1,0,4,0,44,24,59,7,68,2,16,0,92,224,26 yrs
18,KB1VWQ,1,2,0,14,1,37,3,5,1,2,1,46,67,6 yrs
19,KC1BDF,0,0,0,5,0,37,0,0,0,1,0,37,43,2 yrs
20,WA1MOW,0,0,0,2,0,11,7,0,3,4,0,24,27,1 yrs
21,KB1VSX,0,1,0,2,0,19,2,0,0,2,0,20,26,0 yrs
22,KC1PUG,0,2,0,11,0,12,0,0,0,0,0,18,25,0 yrs
23,KC1BTA,0,0,0,1,0,7,0,3,0,3,0,11,14,2 yrs
24,NT1K,0,1,0,2,0,5,0,2,0,1,0,9,11,7 yrs
25,N1MFL,0,1,0,2,0,7,1,0,0,0,0,7,11,4 yrs

Thanks for reading! Stay On The Air
– Jeff