Jan 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

HCRA. BOD Meeting Minutes for Jan 9, 2015
Location: Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield

Called to Order @ 18:30

BOD Members in attendance

  • Rich  N1XR                   via conference call
  • Jeff   NT1K                   in person
  • Bob      K1YO               in person
  • Gary     W1MOW                      in person
  • Eric      W1MOR                       in person
  • Ed        KB1NWH         in person

VP W1MOR-Holiday party- Sales, Recap.

  • 53 tickets sold by HCRA

Treasurer AA1YW-report.

  • Need a check for the HMC for a donation for the use of the room.
  • Donation check to Agawam Park and Rec.
  • MTARA to mail a check for $1,250.11 to the HCRA P.O.Box for Holiday party reimbursement
  • Name Badges to be increased from $11.00 to $12.00 due to loss of  revenue
  • Money requested and ratified for used beam purchase in the amount of $175.00
  • $11.00 profit of 50/50 Raffle from January club meeting
  • $92.00 check requested for PO Box payment

Secretary WM1B-report,

  • absent

ZB WA1MOW- deadline for ZB.

  • Any more input from members?
  • Should we discontinue?
  • Ask an Elmer section?
  • Classified Section?
  • Should we ask other clubs for content?
  • Add contact info and procedures for ordering custom attire provided by W1AST

At Large/Website NT1K-updates, KX3 sales.

  • KX3 sales on track and all websites being managed/maintained/updated

Membership  N1XR

  • We have 96 total members valid through 2015. The breakdown is as follows:
  • Paid members: 83
  • Family members: 5
  • Prospect (Free): 5
  • Life ((Free): 3

Program W1AST-

  • Need to advertise the meetings.
  • Request contact info and procedures for ordering custom attire

Technical K1YO-

  • tech corner before the meeting.
  • Started with antenna diagnostics.

BOD Mtg locations.

  • Larry (W1AST), Gary (W1MOW), & Rich (N1XR) to form a committee to find and reserve suitable location for March BOD meeting.

Meeting Adjourned @ 19:42


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