An amateur radio station.

Next Ham Licensing Class Starts October 29

Do you want to get your amateur radio license, or know someone else who does? Great! The Western Mass Train and Test Group starts its next class October 29th, and they’re holding it entirely on Zoom. While the class is aimed mostly at local hams in western Massachusetts, you can join in from anywhere.

The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:00-21:00 US Eastern time, for six weeks starting on the 29th. The course is free, but you’ll need to get a copy of the ARRL Radio License Manual as a study guide. The ARRL also has a page of additional resources for studying and exam preparation to maximize your chances of passing the test on the first try.

To sign up for the class, just fill out the registration form here. If you have any questions about the licensing process, contact Ray Lajoie, AA1SE.


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